Life in the Flames

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My name is Alonia.

I was taken by the flames.

Now I am a pet, kept on a leash.

Never will I feel freedom, or the feeling of the sea against my skin.

I am a slave, nothing more than a form of entertainment for the crown.

I am forced to use my powers to entertain the royal court.

Nothing but a court jester.

I am the only water wielder in the fire realm.

Maybe the last one of all.

I have no future in this inferno of the burners.

I am alone, I find no comfort in the gifts and praises showered on me.

He may treat me kindly but never will I cave into his tricks.


I beg to be sent home.

I cry and plead so I can see my family again.

But I forget that I have no family, no home, not anymore.

They told me that they saved me, but I do not believe them.

I don't remember all that happened that day.

But because of that I am stuck here, in this prison.

I will tell you what I remember.

Of how the water wielders of the North fell.

Of how I was 'saved' like they say.

Of how my life with the Fire wielders began.

Of how my life with the prince began.

This is not a tale of happiness.

It is a tale of duty and honor.

To bring about peace once again.

I try to control my hate.

I must be strong.

So here is my tale, my story.

Of my life in the flames.


So I had a really weird dream and I thought I'd make a story out of it =) Please note this is just the intro, I promise it gets better =) If you like it please vote, comment, and fan. Thanks =)

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