If Only For Tonight...

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Tossing and turning in the dead of night Cookie drifted back and forth from deep sleep. She was used to it at this point. The last time she got a real good night's sleep was a few days before the ASA's. Add it all together she was pushing on two weeks of this fucked up schedule. If she could even call it that. In days she maybe just maybe had 4 hours collectively of sleep. This was worse than her insomnia she previously dealt with. At least with that she got more sleep. She was quite literally running on empty but no one knew that.

"....No....No..." She muttered in her sleep as her dream melted into memory.

Zipping up her jacket Cookie checked the time. It reading 3 in the morning. She was glad Lucious was held up in the studio. He would disappear for a day or two to use the maximum amount of time for his money. Had he been here he would surely be cussing her out for leaving the house. Checking on Andre and Jamal she saw her boys fast asleep on their beds.

Creeping down stairs she spotted a form on her couch. Getting a closer look she realised Bunky was still here. A half eaten sandwich on his chest. Writing him a quick note just in case she wasn't back before he got up. Hoping he wouldn't snitch her out if he did. Had they known she was running to Carols aid again there would be problems. She paused at the door a last minute decision to grab her gun.

She had no clue what she was walking into. All she knew was Carol called her screaming and she could here that bastard yelling at her. Starting the walk to Carols house Cookie shivered. Winter rolling in with it's low temperures. Keeping her eyes peeled for crackheads and the occasional drunk group of niggas. Taking the alley way was dangerous but it would cut time in half. Making it to the back of Carols house Cookie listened for any yelling or screaming. Hearing nothing she opened the back door finding it unlocked. Quietly walking in her eyes surveyed the new damage to the house. Stepping over a broken beer bottle she whispered Carols name.

Hearing noise she tensed expecting to see Darrell instead she was met with his little girl. Her face wet with tears. Cookie sighed walking over to the girl giving her a hug. To be 6 hearing and seeing all this had to he traumatizing. Cookie was sick of seeing it, sick of doing this.

"Is your daddy here?" Cookie questioned wiping her face. The little girl shook her head.

"Where'd the baby?" Being led into the living room Cookie let out a breath of relief to see the 8 month baby safe and asleep.

"Where's Carol?" Cookie questioned next getting a shrug.

"Okay baby I need you to get some shoes on. And a jacket and your blanket okay. Stay away from the glass, were gonna go to my house again." Cookie spoke rubbing her back.

"Carol! It's me Cookie. Where are you?" Cookie yelled out praying her sister was conscious and alive.

"Cook?" A weak voice called out. Cookie rushed to the door leading to the garage seeing all the boot prints on it.

"Open the door it's me." Cookie voiced it creaking open. Busting into the room Cookie looked over her you get sister leaning against the wall. She cupped her face seeing dry blood coming from her nose.

"This has gotta stop Carol!" Cookie snapped tears springing in her eyes. Her heart shattering as she noticed the blown eyes staring back at her. Looking to Carols side she shook her head seeing the liter and the pipe.

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