Ch.18 The game

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Chapter 18

Xavier and Rye looked at each other with worry as Mavi sat in front of them during dinner not touching her food. Her eyes were puffy and her skin dull. She looked extremely tired and worn out. Xavier wanted to talk about what happened during the interview but he decided to not bring up the topic.

"Do you want something else?" Rye asked gently as they sat around the round table.

Mavi shook her head, "No, thank you."

Gemma reached for Mavi's hand under the table and gave it a heartfelt squeeze. After the interview, Mavi had gone running to Gemma with tears running down her face. Gemma sat with the girl as she shook with sobs. Thank god Exton wasn't around....

"Are you getting sick, Piglet?' Exton asked, watching her from across the table.

Mavi lifted her heavy eyelids and looked up at her brother's concerned face.

"No," She replied simply.

"You've been so quiet," Exton observed. "What's wrong?"

Mavi felt the tears trying to rush back into her eyes. She felt her throat start to close up as she pushed her chair back from the table, "May I be excused?"

Xavier looked at Rye.

"Sure," Rye nodded carefully. "Do you want Adel to bring you something to your room?"

"No," Mavi got up and before anyone could ask anything, she began to walk out of the room. As she exited the dining room, she squeezed herself into the tiny space between the door and the wall. She had always used that spot as a kid when playing hide and seek, and it was still coming in handy.

"Okay," Mavi heard Rye's voice through the closed door. "What did you do, Xavier?"

"Me?" Xavier asked defensively. "I didn't do anything!"

"She went into that interview all jolly and happy and came out like the walking dead," Rye said. "What did you do?"

"I am trying to protect her," Xavier said sternly.

"Is this about Owen?" Exton asked.

Mavi felt her heart sink at the mention of that name. She hadn't seen him since their conversation after the interview. She didn't even know if he was still in the palace.

"She's too attached," Xavier said. "We have to put an end to this before it gets out of hand."

"It's a harmless crush," Rye defended her daughter.

"She's being reckless," Xavier pointed out.

"She has a crush on Owen?" Exton asked confused.

Mavi could picture her mother rolling her eyes at Exton, "Honestly Exton, you used to be so bright."

"Well forgive me for being a little preoccupied with shit right now," Exton sassed. "Ms. Gemma here has started a hunger strike and I don't even know why and how you're telling me my little sister is walking around looking like Tobias over some guy?"

"I am not on a hunger strike!" Gemma argued. "Why are my eating habits such a concern to you?"

"Everything you do is a concern to me," Mavi could hear the irritation in Exton's voice. "You are my wife!"

"Gemma," Rye said gently. "Forgive this child, I'm sure he was raised by wolves."

"We're giving the position to Owen," Xavier declared and a hush fell over the dinner table. Outside the door, Mavi felt her heart stop.

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