Chapter 3

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It was about a week until school started when Molly decided that everyone should go and get their books and things. Anna read her list as they walked through Diagon Alley. Nearly all of the books that they needed were by a bloke named Gilderoy Lockhart.
"Mum fancies him," Fred whispered loudly, and he was promptly whacked on the head by a red-faced Molly. Just their luck, Lockhart was having a book signing at Flourish and Blotts that day. Molly was quite indeed enchanted by Lockhart, which made Anna roll her eyes. As if that alone didn't make things dandy, when they had used Floo powder to get from the Burrow to Diagon Alley, Harry had somehow managed to wind up in Knockturn Alley. Thankfully Hagrid had been in Knockturn Alley and had found him before he had gotten into too much trouble.
"Honestly, you're probably the clumsiest boy that I've ever met." Anna teased him as they walked into Flourish and Blotts. Every witch that was there seemed to be wanting to get Lockhart's new autobiography.
Anna couldn't see what was so special about him; he was an ass in her opinion, and a pompous one at that. While Molly was gazing at Lockhart like a schoolgirl, Anna wandered around the store, gazing at all of the different books that were on the shelves.
"If it isn't the itsy-bitsy Potter."
Anna rolled her eyes before turning to face Pansy. "Hello Parkinson."
"I heard that you're living with that Mudblood Granger and her family."
Anna glared at Pansy as she withdrew her wand. "I suggest that you choose your next words very carefully."
Pansy sneered at her. "No magic outside of school, remember?"
"Then that gives me the opportunity to do this." Anna launched herself at Pansy, who screamed as Anna punched and smacked her. Suddenly Anna was pulled off of Pansy by Molly.
"What in Merlin's name has gotten into you?!" Molly demanded as Pansy stood up, her parents rushing over.
"What happened darling?" Rose Parkinson cooed as she inspected her daughter's face. Cassius Parkinson stared at Molly and Anna coldly. "I wasn't aware that you had two daughters Molly."
Molly stared at him just as coldly. "Anna is James and Lily's girl, she's spending the summer with us."
"You really should teach her to respect her betters."
"Or maybe you should teach your daughter to not be such a selfish prick." Anna growled as her hands clenched into fists. She had to keep herself from attacking Cassius as well. She instead turned to Molly. "I don't regret doing it; Pansy called Hermione a Mudblood."
Now Anna wasn't the only angry one, Molly was fuming as well. "You should really teach your daughter manners Cassius."
Cassius chuckled darkly. "Pansy just knows where she sits on the food chain, something Potter obviously needs to learn." He gazed down at Anna. "Don't test a Parkinson girl, you never know what might happen."
"I know perfectly well what would happen." Anna replied hotly. "Nothing. That's what would happen. Because with your precious Dark Lord, you're an utter coward."
Cassius went to retort, but Molly took Anna by the shoulders and led her away. "You shouldn't have fought Pansy," she scolded, but Molly had a small smirk on her face so Anna knew that she wouldn't be in too much trouble.
"It's bad enough that Arthur got into it with Lucius..." Molly continued as they walked to the front of the store, which was a complete mess.
"Where have you been?" Ron ran over to Anna. "You missed it, Dad got into a fistfight with Malfoy's father!"
"Anna was having a fistfight of her own." Molly said sternly, and Anna told Ron about her fight with Pansy.
"Bloody hell..." Ron whispered in slight awe. "You really do know how to piss off the wrong families don't you?"
Anna shrugged her shoulders as she grinned.
"You're just as bad as your father." Molly scolded her. "You may look exactly like your mother, but you have James's knack for getting into trouble."
"That's the best compliment that you could possibly give me, Molly." Anna giggled, and Molly rolled her eyes. "Exactly like James."
"Why is it that destruction seems to follow you wherever you go?" A grinning Cedric walked up to Anna. "If you aren't careful, people will start to think that the Potter name is cursed."
"Cedric!" Anna exclaimed happily as she hugged him. "What are you doing here?"
"Same as you." Cedric answered. "Getting the many, many books by Lockhart that we need for school. Hi, Mrs. Weasley."
"Hello, Cedric." Mrs. Weasley smiled before turning to what must have been Cedric's father. "Afternoon Amos, how have you been?"
"Pretty well Molly." Amos replied. "Yourself?"
"Busy as usual."
"Father and I are going to get some ice cream once we've finished here." Cedric turned to Anna. "Would you like to join us?"
"Can I?" Anna looked pleadingly at Molly, who turned to Amos. Amos shrugged. "I don't see a problem with that. We can drop her off at the Burrow in time for supper."
Molly nodded. "You better stay on your best behavior Anna."
"I will!" Anna assured her, and Molly talked with Amos a few more minutes before leaving with Harry and the rest of the Weasleys.
Cedric grinned as he turned to Anna. "Shall we?"

Fred watched as Anna walked off with Cedric and Amos, a slight frown on the ginger's face.
"You alright mate?" George asked as he nudged his brother's shoulder.
"Hmm?" Fred turned to face him. "Oh...yeah, I'm fine," he mumbled, and a small smirk appeared on George's face. "Are you jealous?"
"Jealous?" Fred scoffed. "Of what?"
"Of the fact that Anna would rather spend time with Cedric than with you."
"I'm not jealous." Fred insisted, and George rolled his eyes. "Sure you're not, and I'm the bloody Prime Minister. Fred, one thing about being your twin is that I can tell when you're like Anna, don't you?"
Fred groaned in defeat. "Maybe just a tiny bit."
George grinned at him. "So then why haven't you bloody told her yet?"
"Are you kidding?!" Fred looked at him like he was crazy. "I can't just tell my best friend that I love her!"
"Lee is going to be so hurt when he finds out that he isn't your best friend. And that you don't love him; he's gonna be crushed. Maybe I can set him up with Diggory or perhaps Nott."
"Oh shut up." Fred grumbled as he lightly shoved his twin. "There's also the matter of her only being twelve years old. I can't exactly ask her out without being seen as some kind of pervert."
"So wait then." George said. "You've heard her, she's not even remotely interested in dating right now anyways. Wait a year or two, and by then she might be ready."
Fred nodded quietly. When he was ready to ask her, he could only hope that someone hadn't beaten him to the punch.

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