Chapter 80

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"So tell me what's been new with you," He said as he poured himself a glass of champagne.

Hit looked so normal and friendly. But I knew trouble was simmering below the surface.

Champagne was his anger drink.

"Um... it's been eventful." I said, my voice quivering a bit even though I hated to admit it.

"Eventful how?" His curious gaze washed over me again, and I knew he knew all that has happened.

"We went for a beach trip and the ancient packs were given better accommodations. And Jem and Blaze broke up." I said, purposefully hiding the fact that he has declared to pursue me.

"And what are his intentions towards you?" 'He asked, I felt like a deer caught in the headlight.

"Um, he laid a claim on me," I mumbled.

I could hear him sip, mulling over my words.

"And how do you feel about that?"

"Annoyed," I answered without a split second of thought.

That seemed to please him since I could see the smile come back to his eyes.

"He has been relentless and it's driving me crazy. I might end up killing him before we even start the war." I said,

His deep laugh rang through the room.

I heaved a sigh of life.

"And what about the rest ?" He asked, leaning forward at his mahogany desk.

"Huh?" I asked confused

"Do you still want to kill them?" He asked.

This was a test, I knew it. But my hesitation wasn't taken lightly.

"You know Zara, I am doing this for you. For how they treated you. I wouldn't mind letting a few of them live. Or cancelling it altogether."

Now he was really laying it thick. He needed to see where my loyalty lies. He had doubts about me.

Zarine growled within me. She wasn't liking his tone of voice. And she may have even grown a bit fond of some of the crew.

Well, fond may be pushing it. But she no longer wanted to kill them.

"No, that won't be necessary. " I said clearing my throat.

"I am ready to kill at your command," I said, bowing my head slightly in submission.

Zian scoffed from within me.

Your bootlicking skills have increased.

She hissed.

Well if we want to figure out a way to stop this, then we need to know what he is gonna bring to the battle.

I said. She rolled her eyes and retreated back to her corner.

That was her way of saying she sees my point.

"You are ready to kill everyone then?" He asked.

He was really pushing now. What was he after?

"Even... Zarine?" He asked.

My heart dropped to my stomach as bile rose up.

No. Never.

"Yes," I said, trying my best not to look up and to shake away the quiver in my voice.

So I was right, he has a spy here in the pack. But who? If I had any chance of stopping him, I needed to remove the spy first.

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