CHAPTER ONE: Introduction To Freddy's

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I take in a deep breath as I lunge myself out of bed. I slide my cold feet into my favourite pair of fluffy slippers and stand up, slouching. I snatch my dressing gown off of the back of my bedroom door and stumble downstairs.

As soon as I turn the lights on inside kitchen I am greeted by the excited barking of my German Shepard, Jack. I scratch behind his ear and he licks my hand as a greeting.

I pour myself out some cereal and pour in a splash of milk but not enough to make it all go soggy; nobody likes soggy cereal. Grabbing an apple-juice box out of the fridge, I sit down at my kitchen counter and dig into my nutritious breakfast.

Suddenly, my home phone rings and I am obliged to answer it. "Hello? This is Y/n speaking." I say down the phone.

"Good morning, I just rang to remind you that work starts in less than an hour and I'll see you either by the entrance or the prize counter." A thick British accent fills my ear and I can't help but shiver at the sound.

"Got it. Thanks -?" I ask, trying to provoke to get the mystery Brit's name.

"William. William Afton. I'll see you at work. Goodbye, Y/n."

"Goodbye, William."

He hangs up the phone and I finish my food. I rush upstairs and get changed into my uniform. A pale blue shirt, a black tie, black pants and a black zip-hoodie rest on my tired body as I attempt to not stab myself with my work badge. I finally get it onto my hoodie and I rush downstairs to get my car keys.

I pick up my small backpack and my car keys and saunter towards my beloved vehicle. I'm greeted by the shiny glimmer of the cleaned paint job on my deep purple (almost black) Toyota Cressida. Sliding into the driver's seat, I chuck my backpack onto the passenger's seat next to me and start the ignition.

I exit my driveway and drive towards the exit of the estate, putting my seatbelt on as I keep my car slowly driving down the quiet road. It only takes me 15-20 minutes to get to Freddy's and I swiftly park the Toyota Cressida in the staff parking lot.

I walk inside, adjusting my tie and hoodie as I enter the entrance. Making my way down to the staff break room, I walk past the tall and bulky animatronic mascots and it sends shivers down my spine. Why do they have to be so fucking creepy? I enter the break room and put my bag in the locker with my name on and make my way towards the prize counter.

Once I walk past the terrifying animatronics again, this time trying to avoid eye contact with any of the main three that are currently stationary on the main stage. When I reach the prize corner I am greeted with the sight of a six-foot (or so) tall man wearing the Fazbear's uniform, only the blue shirt is replaced by a rich purple one, and a set of keys hang from one of the belt loops on the front of his pants.

"Good morning. I assume that you must be Y/n L/n. Am I correct?" His British accent cuts through the air around us and the silence in the room is broken.

"Yes, you are. You must be Mr Afton." I respond, shaking his hand.

"Yes, but please, call me William - I insist." I nod my head in agreement. "Let's get started, shall we? Now, as you can tell, I open the restaurant up every morning and lock it up for the nightshift security guard to do his duty and he'll exit using the backdoor. Our first duty of the day as dayshift we have to make sure that the tables are all clean and set up for the day ahead, especially if there is a birthday party. We then have to start up the animatronics, first Foxy in Pirate Cove and then we start up Freddy, Bonnie and Chica. After that, we have to make sure the restaurant is up to standards ready for the first wave of customers to arrive. You will be working with me for the time that you work here unless we have to split up for necessary reasons. Any questions?" I shake my head. "Good, any questions you may have during the day just ask me, I don't bite." He flashes me a toothy grin and we both laugh.

(I previously wrote G-Wagon for the car but that was a mistake on my end. That's what happens when you write more than one story at once; you forget what cars goes in what story🤣)

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