Chapter Six

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My phone was ringing but i ignored it. After that i noticed who ever it was left a message. I decided to check the time. Wow its 1 in the afternoon. I have sleept the whole Sunday morning!

I checked the missed call. It was Jaden. He left me a message Goodafternoon beautiful. I would like to go get lunch and hang out with you. What do you say?
I replied right away with a yes. I gave him my adress and started to get ready.

I wore some skinny jeans and a pink tanktop with some convers. I did my hair in a messy bun and put some mascara on.

After half an hour i heard a car beeping. I said goodbye to my mom and dad.

"Hey gorgeous you look cute today" he said. I blushed and said thank you.

We had a 15 minute drive to this restaurant. I ordered pizza with fries. Jaden ordered a hamburger with fries.
"Hey so tell me a little about yourself AnaMary" "Well its my last year in highschool and im planing on working and then going to college and you"
"Its also my last year in highschool but parents already started my college aplications. After highschool ill be forced to go straight to college" he said. "Oh wow thats really nice tho. So your a samart one eyy jaja" "i guess i am jaja"
We keept on talking for a while untill we finished eating. I learned alot about him.

We headed to the park. He had bought me icecream.

We had a nice walk around the park till it was 3. We went to his place.

Jaden introduced me to his older brother Liam and his parents. I thought his brother was really handsome. Liam had made spaghety so i stayied to eat.

Jaden sat next to me while Liam was infront of me with both parents on the side.
I felt Liam "hiting" me playfully because when i raised my head he had this playfull grin.
He droped his fork and when he went to get it i felt his arm go from my legs to my iner tight.

I stiffen a little and i think Jaden noticed. We all finished eating and i decided to leave.

"Thank you Mr. and Ms. Payne that was a great meal" "oh sweety no need to thank us your welcome here any day" Ms. Payne said.
I said my goodbyes and Jaden took me home.

"Thank you for a great day" "Wait AnaMary!" Jaden said while he said that he graved my arm and gave me a kiss with passion, love, and lust. I couldnt resist so i kissed back.
He broke the kiss and we just smile.

"Ill see you again AnaMary goodnight beutiful"

I went to my room and was getting ready to shower. When my phone vibrated signaling a message.

Hey princess what are you doing? It was Niall. Nothing much and you? I quickly replied with a big smile on my face. The same want to hang out for a while? I checked the time, it was only 5:40 i mean why not? Sure ill be ready in a few i replied to him. Ok im on my way princess oh and wear something fancy but not too fancy.

A/N Hey guys hope you like it. can you comment what you think about it. i would also like some motivation. im not sure it its good enough. Oh and i edited the couple chapters hopefully ya'll like it. Untill mext chapter my squirrels<3

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