F I F T Y - F O U R

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The four of them pulled away from the hug and faced each other. She observed Ron and Harry. As the boys grew older, both of them looked so different. Their physical appearance looked mature than ever.

Their height also increased. Ron got taller than y/n, in which she find it so annoying, knowing that Ron would probably tease her for being short.

"You looked so different, y/n," said Ron, examining her face. Y/n have also grown. Not just her physical appearance, but her actions as well. She grew up gracefully with poise and good manners.

In short amount of time staying at Beauxbaton, these were the only things she picked up from her old school: good manners and proper etiquette.

"How different?" she asked, bunching her brow.

Ron gulped, he was too shy to say this word in front of her. Harry thought also the same thing.

Beautiful is the word that pops in both of their heads.

"You look glowing," Harry answered it for Ron. Meanwhile, Hermione rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Oh tush, Harry's trying to tell you that you're pretty," Hermione grinned and nudge y/n by the elbow. Y/n, on the other hand, smiled.

"Is that so? Well, thank you," y/n told Harry, whose face is red as a tomato. Ron looked at Harry, and wiggle his brows up and down.

Harry scratched the back of his head and sheepishly smiled at her. "Since when did you get here?" he asked. Y/n tapped the shoulder of Hermione, a way of telling her that she should answer the question.

"She got here last night," answered Hermione.

"Tell me why you didn't tell us about this again?" asked Ron.

"Both of you were busy anyway," said Hermione. With that, Ron shrugged and decided to shut his mouth instead of talking back to her.

The four of them went to the balcony, feeling the fresh air. She missed this place. This is the place where she last saw Cedric laughing and smiling with her. Even though, he's gone. At least, she got the trio beside her.

"I missed this place, you know that?" said y/n whilst the trio hummed in agreement. "I miss those days when we were out pranking at each other."

"Or the time when you and I chased Ginny because she soaked us with water," chuckled Hermione. Y/n remembered that time when both of them were supposed to be out of bed, but they were too lazy to get up. So, Ginny decided to wake them up with water.

"Or the time we went out to buy some sweets in Honeydukes whilst Harry wasn't allowed to go out because he didn't have his permission slip signed," added Ron. Hermione and y/n laughed, as the two of them recalled that day. Harry just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I still can't believe that Professor McGonagall didn't allowed me to go out— I fought Professor Quirrell, who happened to have you-know-who behind his head," said Harry, "Do I need a permission about that?"


"Fought the basilisk in the chamber. Do I even need a permission slip?"

"Once again, no."

"But going outside the castle and just hang out with my friends, which by the way, it's completely harmless. Do I need my permission slip?"

"Yes." Ron, Hermione, and y/n laughed together.

"Cheer up, mate. Don't be sad over little things," Ron tried to lift Harry's mood up. "At least, it wasn't Professor Umbridge scold you that time."

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