The escape

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My sisters were in the middle of climbing through the window when I walked in. They were planning to go to the Spirit world. I wasn't going to let them go alone, I was the experienced one. I know almost everything about the spirit world.

"Where are you two going?" I asked

"We are going to go to the spirit world that you mentioned in your story!" said Sakura

"Not on your own, you are not" I said "I'm coming too"

"Yay!" said Aoi

"Before we go though, I have one question" I said

"What's that?" asked Sakura

"How are we going to climb out the window?" I asked

"Oh" said Aoi "We were just going to climb out and hope for the best"

"Girls, that is very dangerous!" I scolded "We could sneak out the front door"

"What if we are seen?" asked Sakura

"If we are quiet, we won't. And we will be back by the time everyone wakes up in the morning" I said

Sakura and Aoi looked at each other, it seemed as though they didn't want to just go for a couple of hours. I just hope I can peel them away just in time before people realised, we are gone.

We crawled through the corridor on our hands and knees, Aoi thought I would be easy but to be frank it made our mission harder. It was uncomfortable and made my hands and knees hurt terribly.

I was glad to see the ugly front door in my whole life. I stood up and opened the door; gesturing Aoi and Sakura to move quickly, Aoi knocked the glass vase near the front door. It shattered into tiny pieces, that's when I knew we were busted.

I could hear the adults voices through the house, I quickly shut the front door and grabbed my sisters. There was no way we were going to be caught, but something stood in our way to be one step closer to the spirit world. The front gate.

"What are we going to do?" exclaimed Sakura

"Climb it?" suggested Aoi

I looked at Aoi and grinned at her suggestion. I love her and all but there was no way we could climb over the tall gate in time.

"That's why we were going to go out the window in the first place!" yelled Sakura

"Shh!" I hissed covering Sakura's mouth "Do you want to be caught?"

It was too late for that. The adults caught us outside, I could tell by their faces that they were disappointed and upset with us. We got this far; I am not giving up. I need to return to the spirit world!

I quickly turned back to face the gate, I stared at it long and hard. I soon realised there was a gap in the gate large enough for Aoi and Sakura to fit through, then they could open the gate for me.

I nudged Sakura and pointed at the large opening. She quickly grabbed Aoi and squeezed through, the adults quickly turned from disappointed to angry with one click. The female adult quickly pulled her phone out and called the police.

I gestured Sakura to open the gate using the pin number, Sakura thankfully understood my gestures and typed in the pin number. The gates swung open and I ran through, but just as we were crossing the road, I heard sirens. The police had arrived.

I grabbed my sisters and ran like my life depended on it, which it did, we entered the woods near our old house. After all these years I remembered the route to the tunnel like the back of my hand. I felt as though the woods were never ending as we ran by identical trees, I could feel the police was on our tail not too far away. I was grateful to see the tunnel entrance with the statue in front, that's when I soon realised that I had to explain everything to my sisters.

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