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I wake up to the sun literally burning through my window. I groan and pull a pillow over my face and then realize that if the sun is high enough to be blazing... shit...

I throw the pillow off and grab my phone, praying it's not actually as late as it feels. Sure enough though the time is almost noon, and I was supposed to be at work at 9. I jump out of bed and throw the clothes in my room around looking for an outfit, then I rush into the bathroom to put on a bit of make-up and brush my teeth. I practically run out the door without eating or making coffee.

When I get to the talent agency my boss is sitting at my desk looking pissed.

"Nice of you to show up." He says. "I've had to play receptionist all morning thanks to your little screw up." He stands up.

"I'm so so sorry, my alarm must not have gone off it's totally my bad-" I start, feeling like an idiot.

"You're right it is. I didn't realize I hired an incompetent bimbo as a receptionist. What did you wake up at noon? Up late screwing someone or what?" He bights. I'm taken aback by the comment. I hadn't expected him to be this upset... or rude.

"I-" He doesn't let me finish,

"I-I-I" he mimics me. "The receptionist is the face of a company Y/N, that's why I hired you. It's not that hard- you just show up, look pretty and that's it!" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry but-"

"At least you look good all things considered. Get to work." He says. I frown, what?  I hesitate to go to my desk, he is hovering next to it. But he nods for me to sit down and as i walk past he places a hand on my waste and pulls me a little closer to him. I recoil,

"You're lucky you're hot." He mutters and then walks away. I'm standing fully in shock. I always disliked my boss and the whole job but this... I didn't know what to do with myself. I can feel tears threatening, I wipe my eyes harshly with the sleeve of my blouse and sit down. I pull out one of the note pads and scribble a message.

I quit. Forward my last paycheck and do not contact me again or I will press charges for harassment.

I stand up, straighten my skirt out and wipe again at my eyes before leaving. Once I'm outside I can barely keep myself from crying, I pull a pair of sunglasses on and start walking hurriedly to my apartment. When I get back I toss my bag and collapse onto my couch. I wish I'd stood up to him but I'd been too shocked. I lay on my couch all afternoon watching tv and trying not to think about how I'm going to pay rent without a job considering work at the theatre has been light to say the least. I call Jenna at some point and explain the whole thing, she's obviously pissed and upset. She offers to come by but I tell her I want to just chill alone tonight and try to call Jake. Which she understands.

I order Chinese food and binge watch a show while I wait for Jake's response to my text. I'd asked if he was available to face time tonight. My phone buzzes next to me on the couch and I lift it to see that Jake hasn't bothered to respond, he's just gone ahead and called. I smile and answer.

"Hey! You ok?" He asks, somehow sensing my tone just from my message. I nod, "I don't believe you." He says.

"I quit my job." I say. Jake raises his eyebrows,

"Oh... oh wow." He is sitting in his hotel bed and I can hear the radio playing queitly in the background, and the occasional sounds of London which seep through his windows and into my speakers. He must be able to tell that I'm on the verge of tears again because he frowns,

"Did something happen?" he asks, sounding worried and simultaneously frustrated. The kind of tone that says "if something did happen, someones gonna get it."

"It wasn't that big of a deal, you know I hated that job anyways." I say.

"What happened?" he asks. I sigh, I don't know how to explain it honestly. It wasn't that bad i guess... I dunno...

"I just, I woke up late this morning and my boss was a real prick about it." I say. Jake nods.

"I'm sorry." He says, I quirk an eyebrow and laugh slightly,

"what are you sorry for?" I ask,

"I know I kept you up last night with this stupid drama... you were probably distracted so you forgot to set your alarm-" he starts, I shake my head and laugh.

"Jake it's not your fault ok. This guy, my boss, he's a total jackass I'm glad I quit." I say, Jake's smiles softly.

"Ok..." he says, "babe you know I'm glad you quit too."

"Why?" I ask,

"Because now you can come to London." He smiles nervously at me and I laugh, thinking he's joking at first.

"Mhm Jake." I say smiling,

"I mean for real y/n." He says, and my smile falls a little bit, "I'll pay for your plane ticket, you can stay with me, you can meet the rest of the cast it would be so great!" He says. I laugh nervously and rub the back of my neck.

"I dunno Jake."

"What's keeping you there? Just come for two months! You know the show doesn't need you right now!" He says, I can tell he's getting himself excited.

"Jake I... you know I can't. I need to find another job, I need to pay rent."

"You don't need to worry about that stuff I can help you if you need me to, I want you here with me." He says,

"Jake you can't get everything you want ok? I don't need you to whisk me away from my life, i don't need to meet your famous actors friends! You're not paying my rent, you're not buying my plane ticket alright? I don't- I don't need your money!" I spit. He leans away from the phone, taken aback by my sudden frustration. He takes a deep breath and collects himself.

" I know. That's why I love you. But y/n this isn't about any of that. This is about how much I fucking miss you." He says. I let out a breath I hadn't realized i was holding.

"I miss you too Jake." I say. He looks at me sadly.

"Is that your way of saying you won't come?" He asks. I wipe at my eyes and shake my head.

"I don't know jake. I'm tired.... maybe we can talk about this tomorrow." I say, Jake nods.

"Alright. Get some sleep love, good night." He smiles,

"Night babe. Love you." I say, he winks,

"Love you too." And we hang up. I run my hands through my hair and sigh. I don't know why I'm so afraid to just commit, I trust Jake, I love him... I want to be with him in London. It's everyone else that's making me nervous, everyone else and myself. Going to London for him is a big step. I just can't decide if I'm ready to take it yet...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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