Chapter 25

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Lance woke up to a pain in his lower back. He pulled some pants on and whined when he couldn't stand up. Keith rolled over in the nest, seeing Lance and chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Lance asked, frowning.

"You." Keith said with a smile. The omega pouted and the alpha was quick to fix his actions. "S-Sorry... I went a bit rough last night."

The two then quickly realized the new scent in the room. Caramel pumpkin spice, with a strong sense of vanilla. Keith grabbed Lance by the waist and pulled him on his lap, where the omega's legs were wrapped around Keith's waist. The omega stuck his head in the crook of his neck.

"I think your spirit animal is a koala." Keith laughed, playing with Lance's hair.

Lance huffed, "I think yours is a Tasmanian Devil."

"Really?" Keith tilted Lance's head up to look at him. "Your relating me to such a tiny creature?" Lance just quickly nodded and placed his head back in his neck. "Goofball."

Lance cooed, "My alpha."

"My omega."


Keith and Lance walked downstairs, well Keith did. Lance limped and everyone at the dining table took notice.

"I guess you two went hard last night." Curtis smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Keith growled, "You don't have a right to say that."

"But I do." Pidge grinned evilly.

"Shut your face before I make you."

"Please don't argue again." Allura groaned. "I just want to eat in peace."

Everyone ate in comfortable silence. Though, it was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

Hunk stood up, "I got it." He went to the door, opening it but then slamming it shut. Everyone looked at him with concerned looks. "I don't got it."

"U-Um- excuse us!" Axcea called through the door.

Keith furrowed his eyebrows, quickly moving towards the door with a growl. Lance got up and grabbed his arm, but was only being dragged along instead of stopping him.

"Get off our territory!" Keith yelled as he flung the door back open.

"K-Keith please don't-" Lance was cut off.

"Please! We don't mean any harm." Ezor begged. "We actually came to apologize."

"Apologize?! You bitc-"

"Keith! Stop it!" Lance scolded and the alpha whimpered. "I-If you three could continue."

Axcea chuckled softly, "I think we should start with this. Lotor was pronounced dead the day you two left, and we're somewhat grateful. Even though it was wrong."

"He made life pretty difficult but we still followed him." Zethrid added.

"And we also want to apologize to you, Lance." Ezor spoke, stepping forward. Keith growled but Lance grabbed his hand. "You went through to much, a-and we took you from your family. With that... we brought some people I think you would like to see."

Ezor held out her hand, which Lance hesitantly took. The omega looked back to Keith, who sighed and followed the group. He then saw three people, who oddly looked familiar.

And that's when it hit him.


Who's your favorite Voltron character?
My answer- I gotta love Lance, Slav, and Bii-Boh-Bi!

Do you like anime? If so, what anime?
My answer- I'm really into My Hero Academia and Seven Deadly Sins!

If you have any questions for me, comment them here!
I'll be hosting a small Q&A, so whatever questions I get, I'll answer next chapter.

Love to you all! Stay safe-

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