Chap. 57 (Emperor's tomb)

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I swing the cold hard metal sword, decapitating 5 zombies at once. The remaining body disperses but another 16 appears from the ground.


I jump back.

All the zombies killed by me has been slowly absorbed by the soul-devouring sword. But this sword is still rejecting me, why?!


In the end, I decided to break everything by punching the floor. The entire infrastructure collapses and i fell through again.
I wake up to find myself under some rubble, I push the stone above me away and got up, patting the dust off me.

Now where the fuck am I?

I look around, there is nothing but a golden tomb.

Written above the tomb is some alphabet which I don't understand. harm I guess, this is not my first time invading the dead.

I push the lid away and sees a mummy inside. Beside the mummy is a book labelled "Emperor Taizong's Diary."

What the...

That guy? Wait wait wait.

I open the diary and flip through. I was right, everything in it is information and possible weaknesses of the demon king. This guy is Emporer Taizong. He has been the main obstacle for the demons because of how observant and strategic he is, but in the end, he still falls to the demon due to lack of power.

I flip through and quickly glance through everything. I continue until one page interests me, then I stop:

Day 12.

From what I have observed, Kins has fallen to the demon lord's spell. I don't know if it's hypnotization or if it's by implanting fear but the entire kingdom is now submitted solely to the demon lord.

On that day, a huge purple magic circle appears right on top of the kingdom. Many were affected, even those nearby Kins. They suddenly start to tremble and follow every order of the demons. Some women are even taken in as concubine for the general demons. That disgusts me.

I try to keep a closer eye on the situation and investigate.

Everyone in the kingdom looks as if they have died. The pupil in their eyes has disappeared and they have become soulless machine walking around.

I don't know why the demon lord did that. But my guess is him planning to take over and control every part of the human species.

And there's another one:

Day 14

Recently, Kins is not the only one fallen to the spell. Emarel too and some small villages and kingdoms. Magic academy like Horin is also affected.

This demon really wants to use humans as a slave. I need to think of a countermeasure soon.


Yeah, that's not surprising. I don't need this information. I need information on his weaknesses...where is it...ah! Here:

By observing his fight against Polen. I realise his power is similar to satan himself. He not only is an expert in mana manipulation but also an expert in everything. He can use all types of magic, use all type of weapons, and knows all types of fighting style and their weaknesses. Of course, when the demon lord uses fire magic, it is the strongest among the other three elements.

He especially likes using a spear. Sometimes, he even switches to firearms. This demon lord is terrifying. He has almost absolutely no weaknesses at all. wonder.

No wonder humanity fell to demons.
I didn't think that demons would be this strong, the demon lord especially.
I really underestimated them huh.

Although that's what I think, my chest is actually burning with excitement. I want to fight the demons. For both revenge, and for the sake of fun.

Alright, I had enough. This stubborn sword is following me. This guy didn't even reject me last time, now he is strongly rejecting. But you think I care? No.

Because I'm the only one who knows how to use the full potential of the soul-devouring sword.

I prepare everything and uses the watch.

And impact hits me really hard and I immediately lose consciousness.
I open my eyes to find myself sitting at the exact spot where I "died". The demon killing me is walking away too.

I sit up and look at my body, nothing has changed, my body is still strong as before and I have my sword.

I smirk and got up.

The general demon stops and looks back, he is surprised.

"Time for round two bitches," I said while smirking.

"You...i clearly killed you. Who in the world are you?" Says the demon.

I take out the sword and points it at him. "I'm the guy who will take over this world and kill everything in it."

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