12. Elafia & Demoness

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(A/N: I forgot to show how Firewatch looks like, above)

Firewatch's P.O.V

Using the bombs too much are going to hit some tolls on my mentality.

I stopped using my tactical transceiver and put it back into my new bag pack. Using them any longer would attract some attention, like the Reunion.

Besides the massive rock, there are some tall buildings tilted and crashed on its side. An idea came into my mind, where I enter those tilted buildings and use it as a stairway up above the rock.

As long as it works, I do not mind.

I found some dead bodies torn in half, pierce by metal poles and blacken by burns. It is not that I care, but I cannot do anything else to save them.

I am not a god or a divine being, but just a veteran elafia girl whose clan was burned down to the ground when she was still little.

Every day I was thinking of vengeance and the other person who survived. (Y/N) and me, we were the only ones left from the clan. Even though he was the only human, we were able to accept him.

I smile a bit remembering the small bits of happiness I gained before. But in this mission I set for myself, I need to maintain a professional manner.


Lifting my large crossbow in my hand, I scoped my surroundings in the gloomy building. Remembering the source of the sound, I aimed at my north-west direction and saw a small silhouette moving.

I could not feel any subtle of bloodlust from it, but it was moving towards. Footsteps could be heard as I lowered my large crossbow upon realising the silhouette.

It was just a kid. I guess 10 years of combat experience made me feel more sceptical about small details too much. Resulting in me forgetting about innocence still exists in this forsaken world.

[Aunty?] - Child

It was a child with a thin body, I do not want to really assume his or her gender because this child could be both. If someone were in my place, I bet they will say the same.

[C-can aunty help me for a bit?] - Child

Do I look that old? I just turned 19 years old yesterday.

Thinking about it, I never look at myself on the mirror for all these years. Plus, I do not even have any knowledge of cosmetic too... Maybe I should try it once, or not at all.

Other than that, let's help this child first. I guess there is enough time to spare.

[Help in what?] - Firewatch

The child seems to be taken aback from my words.

Do I look that scary to you?

Hhhmmm... Maybe I should look at the mirror once. I do no want to look intimidating in front of children.

Being aware of oneself is necessary for operators.

[My cat fell into a h-hole, I can't reach for my cat...] - Child

This kid reminds me of myself in the past, always asking for help. I asked others instead of trying to help myself first. Only to meet a mistake at the end of my childhood life.

I hope this child would not end up like me before.

[Which hole?] - Firewatch

Stop tearing up, my face is not that stoic...

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