I. Qualms of a Crown

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Pharaoh Sethe walked the perimeters of his magnificent palace, towering pillars casting shadows across his stone-hearted visage as the sun outlined the horizon, bright rays expelling against his eyelids, desert heat scorching golden skin. An aqua blue that resembled the shimmering, mystical Nile ran across his palace like the flow of the gods' most precious gift, the heart of Egypt. 

His dark eyes followed the  path they led, followed the stories that were inscribed into his halls, the legacies his ancestors left him and the traditions they burdened him to keep. No matter where Sethe ran off to, he was haunted by the gaze of his deceased father, the previous Pharaoh who left him more than he could ever ask for. 

Sethe sighed, back leaning against a pillar, as he took off his crowned veil, holding it in his hand in discontent. He wasn't ready to take on the obstacles of being Pharaoh, nor was he prepared for the look of awe in his people. His gaze wavered, and before he could stop himself, tears began to brim the corner of his eyes. 

He fiercely fought against the onslaught of emotions, breath escaping in short, choppy gasps, and voice choked in his own throat.

His father was gone, and the funeral preparations had been days ago, yet for the first time since taking the crown he felt free.

Sethe's eyes closed, chin tilted towards the skies as the dew of sunset splayed against his cheeks, crimson reddening from his temples and his body igniting to the flames of desert heat. The numbing heat seemed to soothe the cold tendrils of loneliness from his skin, cleansing Sethe in a way that the priestess never could. 

"Your Majesty," said a deep voice nearby. 

His eyes opened, seeing his Captain of Guards, Jabari patiently waiting his command. "Yes?" prompted Sethe, placing his crown back on his head. He exhaled deeply, momentarily forgetting the grief that etched his heart. "Is there an issue?"

Jabari bowed his head, pasty white skin reddening as he spoke softly. "The arrangements for tonight's banquet are nearly finished and many women from across the Empire and surrounding nations will be attending."

Sethe fought the urge to roll his eyes. How could he forget about forming alliances through numerous marriages? "I see," he said, straightening. "Well, open the gates for our visitors."

His guard looked astounded, blue eyes widening. "But, your Majesty, you are not properly prepared. The servants have not yet attended to you."

"I will make myself more presentable. Do not worry."

Although Sethe admired Jabari for his diligence and strict nature with the other guards, he had to admit that the rigid policies of etiquette that Jabari was groomed to implement irked Sethe at times. 

Egypt was very diverse, so it was not unusual to see blue-eyed servants or guards, nor was it strange to have a range of skin tones at the banquets and royal courts. His Empire was a center for many surrounding nations, and the diversity brought an affluent amount of wealth, prosperity, and ideas to his court. 

Jabari, however, was a young man not much older than Sethe, but talented in battle. As the son of a foreign adviser and his Greek concubine, Jabari had the pale skin of those outside of Egypt and eyes as vivid as the Nile. His dark, jet-black hair that fell to his neck were a sharp contrast to his features, and were a good competitor for the ladies' attentions. 

Though, Jabari had as much of a romantic bone as a pillar did. The previous Pharaoh saw his talent with a sword and wanted to place Jabari into the elite military branch, but Sethe and his younger brothers saw the intellectual spark in his eyes to know better.

They convinced their father to establish Jabari as head of the guards to ensure protection for the royal family in case of backstabbing traitors in the court. 

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