Chapter 2

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King Archer's PoV~

"King, the pack alphas have all arrived and are seated in the conference room."

I took a quick deep breath before leaving my office with my Beta in tow.

The servants around my castle bowed down to me as I passed them in the halls, earning a nod in response from me.

The six Alphas, and three Lunas, stood up from their seats as I walked through the doors. With a wave of my hand, they sat back down.

I took a seat in my kingly chair with my Beta, Declan, and my Delta, Litton, at my side.

"What are the updates on this young she-wolf? Any luck with her scent?" All but one Alpha jumped at my booming voice that filled the room. Alpha Darran seemed focused on something else and not my question.

"That rogue attacked one of my pack members on Saturday, feet away from two young pups." Alpha Darran spat but fixed his tone once my Beta growled at him. I already knew about the attack, which is why I called the meeting.

I wouldn't mind his tone if it weren't answering my question, my wolf and second in command don't take too kindly to disrespect.

My Beta and Delta stood close to my side but I gestured for them to take a seat.

"We caught her scent by my northern borders not so long after I got a warning from Alpha Darran. I sent trackers, but they couldn't find anything. Her scent disappeared after a few miles." Alpha Grant continued.

"How is your pack member?" I questioned, my mind pitying the wolf that was defenseless against the reckless rogue.

"She's recovering. Severe electrical shock and burnt skin tissue. She has given me a detailed description of the rogue, once she woke up." I nodded and waited for him to continue. He pulled out a piece of paper that was filled with messy handwriting.

"Linzie, my pack member, said she was fairly small, nothing taller than 5'8. Her skin was pale, brown hair, close to red, and dark eyes. She seemed very young." He handed the note to Declan after reading it.

"Did she tell you exactly what happened?" I questioned.

"She said she was grilling outside with her husband, while her pups were playing a few feet away. She went into the house to get something when she heard breathing in the other room. When she walked in, she saw the rogue with a bag full of her stuff. Linzie mind linked me that there was someone on her house but she didn't respond after a couple of seconds. The rogue attacked her quickly and fled before anyone could get to her. Linzie's mate claimed the rogue's fur was a light grey. Luckily, the rogue shifted in the house, leaving behind her shredded clothing that is covered in her scent." I perked up at his words.

"Do you have it with you?" He shamefully shook his head.

"I apologize, my King. I left the clothing piece in a bag at my office." I nodded in understanding but was slightly pissed.

My wolf seemed desperate to catch this rogue, for some reason. She might have hurt the pack member, but nothing a day in the infirmary couldn't fix.

"Bring me the clothing pieces as soon as possible." He nodded.

"The people of my pack are growing wary, they need an appearance from their leader and I'm not cutting it out anymore." Alpha Joel stated, his mate placing a comforting hand on his arm.

While my wolf whined at the sight, I noticed I wasn't the only one in the room that was jealous of the sight of the two mates showing each other affection.

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