Part XIV (new)

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After terrorizing the Harrods staff, the children charged down the street, into the nearest toy shop to terrorize a shopkeeper already inundated with hyperactive children and harried, overburdened parents

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After terrorizing the Harrods staff, the children charged down the street, into the nearest toy shop to terrorize a shopkeeper already inundated with hyperactive children and harried, overburdened parents. Jordie and Romana lingered outside, hesitant to join in the fray. Jordana missed her trousers, having exchanged them for the dress she'd chosen to wear for travel.

"Do we have to go in," Jordie asked, sulking. She might have loved her children, but a shop full of children was the last thing she wanted to endure on the tail end of a lovely day.

Romana looked at her askance. "I've done all the shopping I mean to do for them, I don't really need to anything from here." She made no moves to retrieve their four from inside.

"You just wanted them out your hair," Jordie accused.

"And you didn't?"

"Fair enough."

They watched through the picture windows as Troy gravitated to the train sets and Madeline to the doctor bags on display. Dawn had a doll in one hand and a toy hammer in the other. Daniel was openly coveting a set of hand-painted miniature cars on a shelf.

Jordie sighed. She hadn't gotten her children either of the gifts they appeared to be favoring. "I might have to go in."

"Poor darling. Go on, I'll hold your bags."

"You aren't coming with me?"

"Afraid not. This is a job for the big burly army medic."

Jordie poked out her tongue. "Coward."

"I prefer 'strategic.'"

Jordie came out of the store with her purchases in time to see Romana reunite with a couple of her former Women's Volunteer Service comrades. Romana and the two women in the blue boxcoat indicating their roles as midwives exchanged loving hugs and season's greetings. Jordie felt strangely bereft seeing Romana with these women who had loved her before she knew her.

No sooner had her feet hit the pavement than Romana was dragging her over to meet them. One was petite and full-figured whilst the other was tall and statuesque. "Jordie, this little firecracker is Flora Wyman, another one of our number out of London."

"A fellow medic?"

"Guilty," Flora purred. "I specialize in obstetrics now the fighting's over. Seems everyone is having babies." The woman beside her coughed delicately, interrupting what must have been a well-worn routine. "And this is my long-suffering companion, Anabella." They exchanged convivial smiles. Romana had beautiful friends. "Who's your friend, Romana? I don't believe I've had the pleasure."

"Be good," Romana chastened, apropos of nothing.

"Shan't." Flora presented her hand for shaking. Jordie shook it and introduced herself. "Charmed, I'm sure." She took a chastising tone with Romana. "Romana Gentry, where have you been hiding this vision of loveliness? I know rationing is still in effect but keeping her all to yourself is just greedy."

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