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Name- Yoshi James

Age- 32

Nickname- Mom, Yosh

Born- NY


Mother- Daisy James

Father- Christopher James

Favorite color- Green

Personality- Smart, sassy, Brave, Motherly, Creative, Funny

Yoshi was not always Physically a Female and that caused internal problems for her in her early years. Luckily her parents were very understanding, so at the age of 5, she started to get hormones and went by Yoshi. Yoshi was her favorite character when she was little so it only made sense for her to change her name to it.

Yoshi went into high school not fully transitioned and her name wasn't legally changed so let's just say not everyone is as excepting as her parents. She went through a lot with ignorant people and bullies that had nothing better to do with their lives then make others feel bad about themselves. This didn't help with her dysphoria so she ended up homeschooled by her sophomore year. Her Graduation present from her parents was to fully transition. Years after her transition she moved into a loft apartment and started a new, got a job as a waitress and fully went into anything artsy. She drew painted and designed clothes but was always too scared to put herself out there so she stuck to her minimum wage job, she was happy. But nothing could replace her longing to be a mother until Valentina popped up into her life at the diner new to New York and so young. Yoshi vowed to herself shed help to Val do anything she put her mind to and to be a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear.

Name- Breanna Porter

Age- 20

Sexuality- Lesbian

Nickname- Bre, Bean, Anna, B

Born- California, moved to NY at 15y/o


Sperm downer- Jason Robinson (Uncle J)

Biological Mother- Bette Porter (Mom)

Mother- Tina Porter (Momma)

Favorite Color- Periwinkle

Personality- Tough, smart, witty, sarcastic, sassy

Breanna didn't have a hard life but it wasn't the easiest either. Bullies and ignorant people made her early life a living hell. "Are you sure your gay, or do you just want to be like mommy." "Why do you have two moms what are you a freak of nature." "she'd be prettier is she was straight." As she grew, she learned that the boys were just jealous that she'd get more women then they would. And the girls just didn't have enough brains to think for themselves so what one said the others were sure to follow. She learned that she could make anyone cry with just her words but if that wasn't enough, she'd kick your ass too.

Bre was always smarter than the average child but when she decided she wanted to recode a computer to help her put outfits together at the age of 14 her moms knew that she wasn't just smarter she was a child prodigy. So, at the age of 15, she'd gotten a letter in the mail saying that Stark Industries was interested in her for the Stark Scholarship she flipped out. Nothing could ruin her mood except the distance and the three years she'd have to wait to go to college. So they packed their bag and said goodbye to Uncle J and moved to New York.

In New York, everyone was much more tolerable except for the one jock or blonde bimbo but she'd dealt with that in California she that didn't faze her. Her moms and she were happy and that never changed sure they weren't the wealthiest people in the world but they were happy.

In college, she started an internship at Stark Industries and helped with the coding for their tech and websites. She'd never met the Avengers but she did meet their trainer former Military Sargent and Shield Agent Fionn Beck and her mind and heart chose that that was the most beautiful person in the world. One year later she met Valentina and they became close friends joking about how she works for her dad, which she didn't. Breanna is just a Lesbian with smarts and sass.

Name- Fionn Beck

Age- 25

Sexuality- Lesbian

Nickname- Sarg, Sargent, Fi, Finn

Born- NY



Favorite Color- Royal Blue

Personality- serious, sarcastic, smart, funny

Fi has never known what a loving family was like, she was dropped off at an orphanage in the bad parts of NY when she was just a couple of months old. She copped through singing and dancing because that was the only thing permanent in her life that and her freakish ability of strength, agility, and heightened senses. She later found out that she had the X-gene and that's why she seemed to have everything an evolved human would have.

When she was in high school, she was one of the leads in the sports program but never truly had friends. Her senior year she decided that as soon as she graduated, she'd join the army, and that's what she did as soon as she graduated, she went straight to The Military Entrance Processing Station and signed up. As the years progressed, she built up the rank Sargent and she finally felt like she belonged. But good things don't always last but that doesn't mean that it gets replaced by something bad, she got taken in by SHIELD for her enhanced abilities. She became a level 8 agent and worked alongside the avengers on missions and kicking their butts in training.

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