Chapter 1

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You want a bet? Ugh I hate Susan. Thinking she's all it because she 'controls me'. Oh no honey, I'm the one who thought of master plans to escape this prison cell, not you. They didn't work but I still thought of them. I'm the one who actually escaped this piece of shit twice, not you. I was found but I still had the guts to do it. I'm the one who punched Mary Baker in the jaw, not you. She didn't do anything to deserve it but I still did it.

'NO ONE WILL EVER ADOPT YOU!' She slammed my door shut.

The last two times hadn't worked because of security. Man they're everywhere. But this time I would make it work and I would escape! I took out my sketch pad and pencil and started planning...

I had done it! My plan was ready for action. Three doors down from my room was the laundry room. I'm the only child in here that knows the secret tunnel which leads to the kitchen. That's only because I saw Susan open it once. After going through the shoot, I would sneak through the kitchen making sure all the chefs had gone on their break. Sneaking over with, I would run to the door. It's always kept open incase people want to adopt. Then I would run as fast and as far away as I could. My plan would commence, tomorrow.

*the next day*

Plan in action. I had safely made my way to the laundry room and through the shoot. I had timed it perfectly! There wasn't a single soul in the kitchen. Racing through the kitchen I tripped over and pots and pans clattered on the floor. Crap. The chefs came into the kitchen and saw me. I got up and legged it out the room.
'She's getting away!' They were now running after me. I opened the door and ran down the path but before I could run any further Keith, the head chef, grabbed my collar and pulled me back inside.
'Put me down you idiot!'
'Call me an idiot again my dear!'
'Right that's it!' He pushed me through the door so I fell over. Picking me up by my collar again he dragged me into Susan's office.
'Keith! I have guests!'
'She tried to escape again! Sit down!' He threw me on to the sofa in the office.
'Do you mind?!' I got up and ran over to him ready to attack.
'Hannah!' Susan grabbed my waist and pulled me back down on to the sofa.
'Thankyou Keith. You can go clean the dishes now.' He walked out the room and slammed the door shut. Susan looked at me.
'I'll deal with you later-'
'No please, I don't mind waiting.' She was interrupted by the guy sitting in front of her.
'I would like to see how you discipline your children.'
'Oh, ok.' She turned to me. 'What do you have to say for yourself Hannah? Your already in my bad books so don't make things worse for yourself.'
'I won't and if I hadn't have fell over Keith's stupid pots and pans and made a noise, I would be half way to Derbyshire right now!'
The guy behind me chuckled.
'This is the third time you've tried to escape! Just give up!'
'Never! If no one will adopt me, then escaping is my only choice! Next time, I will escape and you'll never see me again! I'll be gone from this shit hole soon!' I smirked and so did the guy in the room.
'Don't shout! We have guests.' I put my headphones in and started playing my music. She calmed herself down before speaking, 'Hannah, you'll stay in my office until this gentleman has gone. He's looking to adopt so if you want to get adopted, start behaving!'
'I can't hear you over my music, sorry.' I saw the guy chuckle and shake his head with a smile.

The guy left half an hour later and Susan had a strict talk with me. I honestly had given up on escaping the adoption home. I trudged back up the stairs to my room. I opened the door to see my beloved Linkin Park posters plastered on the walls. I collapsed on my bed and turned my music on full blast so that I couldn't hear the outside world. Then my phone died.
'Fuckkk!' I whispered to myself.
'You shouldn't swear my dear. That's naughty.' I looked up to see a shortish brown haired man. He was wearing blue skinny jeans and a checkered shirt. He had Black Nike high tops on and he was standing in the door frame. I just stared back at him blankly.
'You like Linkin Park then?'
'Yeah.' I really wasn't in the mood for talking.
'One of my best friends likes Linkin Park. He goes on about them and how he wants to see them live.'
'I think they'd be good to see live.'
'Your Hannah, right?' I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt my cheeks burn.
'Who's asking?'
'The police.'
'Then I'm not Hannah. I'm, er... Mary Baker.' I said with a smile.
He laughed at this, 'I'm only joking. I'm not actually the police don't worry. My names Jake. Jake Roche.' He held out his hand for me to shake.
'Nice to meet you. I'm Hannah.' I shook his hand. We sat there in silence for a few minutes until he spoke up.
'Well, it was nice chatting to you Hannah.' He smiled and I smiled back.
'I'll see you around.' And he walked off.
What the actual fuck just happened?

Hey guys! Hope your enjoying this so far! I have a lot of ideas to share! Please comment and vote!😘

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