Chapter Six.

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Willaim's POV:

I woke up to the sound of an engine. That was weird , it wasn't the only thing which was weird too. I had a headache and my room smelt like coffee. I slowly walked up to the window. I was surprised to see a cab, in it was a pretty blonde , she looked like someone I knew.

The headache wasn't helping at all, I didn't know why my vision was blurred and I had a killer poundings in my head. I smelt my self , cringing at the strong alcohol scent. In a hangover, I usually remember the nights' event after a shower and a strong cup of coffee.

I quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned mtself. The shower itself helped the hungover alot. I walked into my room , surprised to see coffee.

Then the coffee smell was real not a side effect of a hangover. I thought to myself. Yes, it was my second hangover ever. I remember firing all house maids , it was her request , so we can live with some privacy. Sure enough she have enough privacy now.

I drank the coffee and took the tab beside it. Surely God didn't send it from heaven, someone had done it and im grateful. Maybe it was Helen!

At that thought I ran down the stairs,  into rooms and even the attic. Buddy you should really forget about her and focus on your life. Yep I should.

I started getting ready for work , as the new CEO , there was something there in the back of my mind. Poking its way to get out , I think I forgot about something,  something important.  I shrugged and went downstairs for breakfast.

There it hit me hard, there was no work as my father's wish , for the honeymoon.

The kitchen was clean, any liquor or alcohol was removed, even the air smelt like musk.

There was a note on the fridge , I think I read it yesterday when Ro-

Sh*t , ROSILLA , the wife . I saw her yesterday but she didn't even leave her room after our stare down.

Our meeting wasn't as friendly as I planned, she was a really nice girl, she probably is. But what should I say to her? Open my arms and tell her welcome to the house where I wanted to marry in. Where I wanted to marry someone I love. Who I let her decorate it as she wanted.

She didn't eat at all as I remember, maybe she sneaked at night? Oh god no.

She cleaned, she made coffee, she took care of me while I was supposed to be the one doing that.

I ran upstairs to re-check  the rooms , nothing was there. I was abandoned. Again. I sighed , and started cursing. I promised her mom to take care of her. I just realised how selfish and foolish of me to think that I was the only one suffering,  the only one abandoned and the only being played.

She was abandoned not only by her but by her father and mother.  They practically sold her to my father , when they found out that she left. She was just a kid, heck, I don't think that she graduated yet. I need to fix this. I need to stop acting like a wuss and start acting like a man.

Something clicked, like a switch turned on. I now have a new goal to follow , to look for. After all life continues with or without you. A promise is a promise after all , and she didn't deserve to be pushed into this. This is my fault , my mistake it is only fair I fix it.

Fustrated , I ran a hand in my hair, a habit I developed since freshman  year, it used to woow the girls. I chuckled at the thought , I was the golden boy all throughout high school , and was even the quarterback at senior year. Every girl liked my green eyes and dark hair.

Way to boast our ego up, but before you start fanning over yourself in the mirror , you have a girl to find and a promise to complete.

Damn you thoughts. I guess im right, lets get started. I ran to her room and found nothing left. I was about to leave the room when something on the floor caught my eye.

I picked it up and inspected it. It was a crumpled piece of paper, it was wet and the ink was unclear , but after a while and some difficulty I read it. The wetness were tears, the note like a stabbing knife to her heart nit only abandoned by her parents but abused by her father too.

In that moment, in that room , I took it upon myself to protect her. I didn't know why but I wanted to strangle the man to death. Maybe its the brotherly instinct , after all she was my sister in law and a wedding replacement.


Hope you liked it, I literally suck at this. It felt like Willaim was a girl. Anyways have a nice day.

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