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Jocelyn pov:

My mouth felt dry as I my eyes fought to open up against the sunlight pouring in through a crack in the curtains. Dust particles floated and swirled slowly in the warm light as my eyes slowly began to adjust.

My mind felt hazy and thrummed harshly as my eyes struggled to focus. My vision was blotchy and crappy as I slowly peeled back the blankets and made my way to the bathroom. I leaned against the walls as I blinked rapidly, trying to clear up my sight but it was useless as it only began to get worse and worse.

I place my hands on the cool counter of the sink and sigh as the feeling, "Hot.. too hot.." I groan and reach up to open the medicine cabinet. I grab a bottle and squint as I try to read the tiny label, "C'mon!" I stomp my foot and try to focus my eyes, only to strain them more.

Frustration began to build higher and higher as I grabbed more bottles and struggled to read them, "I just want this to stop! Please!" I grab a random bottle and bring it up closer to my eyes, struggling to read it, "Fuck!" I throw the bottle on the ground and stomp my foot, anger boiling higher as my head began to hurt worse and worse.

"Jocelyn." Dion's voice made me jump as I turned around to face him. My head spun from my quick movements and I grasp onto the sink, "Dion.. help.." I whimper and hold out the bottle to him. I could barely see his face at this point, "It hurts.." I extend my hand and listen to him step closer, "What hurts.. this is for allergies.." His hand presses against my forehead and he sighs softly, "Your head hurts?" I nod it slowly and reach out to wrap my arms around his torso.

He hums softly and pulls me to press my head against his chest, "It's okay to ask for help." He mumbled sleepily, his voice deep and scratchy from sleep. I shrug gently and let my eyes close and I lean into his chest, "I had it.." I mumble and he chuckles, his chest raising and lowering, making me giggle.

"You got a migraine.. here." I listen to him open the bottle and pour out some pills, "Open." I open my mouth and let him place the pill on my tongue. I swallow it and groan at the size, "Owie.." I mumble and pout as his hand comes up to massage my throat, "Sorry.. I forgot you need water." He chuckles softly and I nod my head slowly.

"C'mere." He doesn't even wait for me to answer as he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist, "Big baby.." he grumbles and I can't help my laugh as he carries me through the apartment. I close my eyes and rest my cheek on his shoulders, enjoying his scent as I press my nose into his neck, "You're a big baby.." I mumble and feel his hands tighten thier grip on my thighs, "Keep gettin big and you won't get any water." He teases and I grumble softly, "Keep gettin big" I mock and giggle as he gives me a side eye.

A soft gasp left my lips at the cold countertop as he placed me down. "What you get." He mumbles and I narrow my eyes at him as he reaches into the cabinet and grabs me a cup. "You're a mean nurse." I pout and he looks over at me, his face finally clearing up, "And you a annoying patient." He smirks as I fake gasp, "I want a new nurse.. A nicer one." He comes up to me with water, "Your attitude is why you got a big ass swollen head." I take the cup and pout, "Shuddup."

He smiles as he turns to the fridge, opening it, "Breakfast gone have to be left overs since we ordered in last night." He mumbles softly as he reaches in the back and pulls out some eggs and pancakes. I pout, "What did we have last night?.." I pout and he looks back at me, his eyes watching me warily before he clears his throat, "You don't remember last night?.. We had chicken and fries." He mumbles softly and I shrug lightly, "I must still be tired because I really don't.. I don't remember much of yesterday either." I frown deeply as I try to wrack my mind for answers.

The last thing I could remember was working at my desk yesterday. My cheeks began to warm as my post thoughts came rushing back in. The want and lust I felt for Dion as he sat behind his desk made me subtly close my legs tight, trying to ignore the heartbeat between my legs.

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