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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Bad Liar
Artist: Imagine Dragons
Chapter Name: Midoriya's Panic Attack


I look at the boy in front of me. This kid looks exhausted, and his eyes are filling up with tears again. Midoriya looks at me with a face of a baby puppy, mouth wavering.

Finally, the kid sniffs, and moves a little closer to me. He looks down, but has a glum expression on his face. I gently move his hair out of his eyes, and wait for the boy to answer me. Tears start to fall from his eyes again, and he starts shaking a little. I mentally hit my head against the floor realizing that this kid is about to go into a panic attack. I quickly grab the kid's hand, hoping that he would understand and calm down, but he seems to be so caught up in whatever happened that I'm not even here right now according to him.

"Midoriya." I call out the kid's name. He doesn't hear me.

"Midoriya!" I yell once more. No reaction out of him; Midoriya is just sitting there as helpless as a baby, and I can't seem to do shit about it. I try again to break him out of his trance, but he's too far gone. I mutter cuss words in my brain as I try to help the boy. I gently try to coax him back into the real world by rubbing his hair, saying comforting words to him, but my efforts still have no avail.

The next thing I know, the boy is screaming like I'm murdering him. He's kicking and punching the air around him. I swear to god I hope he doesn't wake up anyone else, especially Bakugou. That would not end well at all, and Midoriya would be downright dreadfully embarrassed.


Fear, that's all I feel. I'm trapped in my memories of being with that man.

I was four, the day after I found out I was quirkless. My father had just come home from a business trip. He walked in the door, not even saying hi to my mom, and walking over to me. And with his mighty fire quirk, started to chase me with a stick he had lit on fire. My eye, already bruised up from Kacchan hitting me earlier that day, had gotten hit by a piece of falling ash from the stick. My mother tried to stop my father, but we both ended up hospitalized. That was the first time he attacked us. He didn't go to jail, and blamed it on the stove.

The major time was when I was just about to turn five, he returned from a month long business trip, and went straight to my room. I was playing with my All Might figurines, as he suddenly stomped into my room all mad. I wasn't facing the door, and I hadn't noticed him come in. He put his arms around my body, squeezing me so I couldn't move or get away. I tried to escape, but he just hit me if I moved.

Then he pinned me down to the ground, my dignity all lost in time by this point. I'm gonna leave it there for now, because I am that one of six guys who will never tell a soul what happened to them. I never told anyone, and no one will ever know. Not even Kacchan.

He treated my mother and I like shit meant to be dumped in a landfill. Never afraid to 'rough us up a bit.'

He suddenly left when I was eight. I haven't seen him since, and I never want to. I know that Uncle Masaro reported him a few times, but they never arrested him. Mom doesn't like talking about him, and always had acted weird around the anniversary of him leaving.

Memories swirl around my brain like a fan at top speed. I don't feel the couch I was just sitting on, next to Mr. Aizawa, five seconds ago. I'm lost in time, seemingly unable to be found.

I scream out, hoping that someone can actually hear me. Praying that this is all just my imagination, and that I'm not stuck back with my father.


I hear a familiar voice. I hear him screaming out my name, but I don't know where he is. Where's Mr. Aizawa? I don't want to be alone anymore.



I blink twice. Suddenly I'm back in the dorm living area. The television is blaring the credits of the hero documentary I was watching. I feel wet tears trail down my soaking skin from crying so much. My throat feels as if it's on fire, and I feel the familiar, disgusting feeling of nausea and bile rising up from my stomach.

I quickly stand up, falling down in the process, and scramble over to the sink. I empty out the contents of last night's dinner, or whatever is left of it.

I feel a comforting hand rub my back as I hurl my insides out. The hand gently rubs little circles on my back, calming me down.

Once I'm done with emptying my stomach, I fall onto my knees in relief. I breath heavily, trying to calm myself down. I turn myself around so that my back is against the little doors under the sink. Mr. Aizawa sits down next to me, but not too close as to not startle me. He just gently rubs my left shoulder and back. I realize just how loud I could have been, and I instantly start to hope that I didn't wake anybody up.

After about ten minutes of sitting in silence, I think Mr. Aizawa and I both realized that nobody had woken up. He stands up, dusting off his pants, and I follow suit.

"Easy, kid. Take it slow." Mr. Aizawa tells me calmly, as he lightly grabs my arm and helps me to my feet. We walk back over to the couch, and I sit down on it. Mr. Aizawa kneels down to get on my level, and wraps the blanket around me. He ruffles my hair, making sure I'm fine with him touching me.

Mr. Aizawa lets out a stressful sigh, and takes his place next to me on the couch. He swiftly picks up the television remote, and puts on another hero documentary.

I settle back into my spot on the couch, and try to enjoy the movie, but all I can think about is how much I've just ruined Mr. Aizawa's night. I start to tense up again, but Mr. Aizawa notices this time. He gently rubs my shoulder a little bit, which calms me down.

The soothing gesture makes me calm down so much, that I fall into a sleepy daze. I look at my teacher quickly before my eyes shut, and his eyes bare into mine with worry.


I'm back with the third chapter of this book. I did not expect this book to get so many reads already, wtf?!

I'm sorry for not updating sooner; my parents and I have been busy with my dog. She's been throwing up a lot, and we thought she had corona. So we took her into get her tested.

The test was negative.

However, she's did test positive for Cancer.

And of course this dog has been there for me more than any other being, so my mental health just went splat again.

Anyway, please stay safe guys. This virus is really dangerous. I hope you all have a good day/night.

Cyan out.

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