Chapter 40: Ready to Run

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There's a future in my life I can't forsee
Unless of course I stay on course
And keep you next to me
There will always be the kind that criticize
But I know, yes I know we'll be alright

We arrived in Manhattan minutes before eight in the evening. Of course, the traffic entering the Big Apple was terrible and the waiting time was excruciating. Harry did not let me drive even just for a while, even after I insisted to when we stopped at a fast food chain to get some snacks. I remember the time when I thought he sold my car, just the day when we officially became a couple. He lied about selling my Prius when in reality he took it to the mechanic to have it checked. He was protective of me back then, or maybe he was just trying to cover up for the biggest lie he did.

He parked the car in front of the apartment building. The valet attendant immediately took my luggage and brought them upstairs. We are kind of popular in the building, because Blake is always friendly with the building staff.

"I'll go ahead so you can rest," Harry says after a while.

He handed me the car keys as the car rental service will pick it up tomorrow morning.

"Thank you for driving me, though you didn't have to, but you still did." I told him. This time I was really thankful, although the drive was long and boring, but I felt safe.

Harry reached for my hand, "I am thankful that despite our history, I still get to do this," he said as he pressed his lips on my forehead. "I'll get a hotel around here and I'll call you," he then whispered. "Get inside, it's cold."

Giving him a slight nod, I turned my heel and walked towards the entrance of the apartment building. I don't really understand but there is this awful feeling inside me that I had to glance at him. He was trying to hail a cab but it'll be impossible to get one because it's still rushed hour and the weather is a little chilly, I remember him not liking the cold.  Taking a deep breath I walked back to where he was standing.

"Come on upstairs," I said to him. "It's cold and you won't get any cab at this hour."

He shook his head. "It's okay, I don't wanna burden you or invade your space, it was a long drive and you should rest," he refused kindly. "I'll be fine here, though, I am glad your worried about me." He smiled.

"It was indeed a long drive, and you're the one who drove," I insisted. "You can rest for a while and leave later, I'll help you find a good hotel upstairs,"

This time I reached for his hand and pulled him with me towards the entrance of the apartment. I heard him sighed in defeat which made me smile in victory. He then put his arm around my shoudler as we took elevator.

Harry never took his arm off of me until we reached the fifth floor where our unit is and I just let him. From time to time he plants slight kisses on my hair, it didn't make me uncomfortable at all.

Using my card keys, I opened the door, Blake is not home yet. Blake loves anything about fashion and art which includes her work so she usually spends extra hours at work. Normally, she goes home around 10 in the evening, sometimes even later.

The luggage are already on the front door and Harry immediately got a hold of them, he may have broken my heart but I still can't deny the fact that he is a real gentleman.

Walking inside the apartment, I immediately took my jacket and helped Harry on his as soon as he settled the luggage in the living room.

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