I Can Be Your Baby

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"Oh spider child" you call into the dinning room of the Avengers compound where the teenager is doing homework. "Aunt (Y/N) you're back" he says excitedly running over to your open arms. When you and Loki joined the Avengers, Peter was still pretty young and he bonded with you instantly. Even though you were a powerful sorceress you were so nurturing to him almost a mother figure to the young boy. Peter took a liking to Loki too which softened the hardened god a little. You and Loki just got back from a diplomatic mission to Jotunheim to secure interests for Asgard and Midgard. "How did the mission go?" Peter asks breaking away from your hug. "All according to plan. I brought you a present." "Really? What is it?" He asks trying to see if you had something behind your back. "You must finish your studies first." Loki says emerging from the shadows behind you. "Ok uncle Loki." The boy says with a sigh and makes his way back to his books. You go back to your room you shared with Loki to shower and change for dinner. Loki stays with Peter looking over his work. "You might want to look at that one again." The boy nods and redoes the problem getting a new answer. "How come you're so smart uncle Loki?" "Because I always put my studies first before training or girls. Unlike Thor." He chuckles with a smug smirk painted on his lips. "You making fun of me again brother?" Thor says turning the corner as he enters the room. "I wouldn't say making fun of just stating the facts." The dark hair prince says with a shrug. "Nope defiantly making fun of you Thor." Peter says as Thor gives a death glare to Loki. "I may not be super smart like you or (Y/N) but I am stronger." The blonde huffs. "I heard my name are you two fighting again?" You tisk as Peter nods his head. "You two see the boy is working on homework and doesn't need you two bickering over his shoulder." You say in full mama bear mode. "No worries aunt (Y/N) I'm finished now." "Good now wash up for dinner." You coo and Peter leaves for his room.

The team gathers in the dinning room ready to eat. Peter sits in between you and Loki. The team eagerly asks about your mission and you tell them it was a success. The team goes off on their own conversations when you ask Peter about his day. "Learn anything new today?" "Not really new to me but we learned about Dr Banner's work." Bruce looks up at the child after hearing his name. "What did they say about me?" He asks listening carefully at what peter had to say. "Just that you were a pioneer in gamma studies and you should have got the Noble prize. My teacher has a hard on for you." The boy laughs. "Peter do we need to use such language at the table." Steve cuts in as you raise your eyebrow at him as well. "Sorry." He sighs as he finishes his dinner. "He probably learned it from Tony." Loki scoffs and you stare him down not wanting to deal with an infamous Loki Tony fight right now. "Oh yeah reindeer games?" Tony hisses. "Yeah man of tin" Loki spits "Boys please we are a team, a family can't we have one dinner together that doesn't end in an argument?!" You shout getting up from your chair. Loki and Tony sit back in their chairs knowing not to continue or they would have to deal with you. "You handle things so well (Y/N) you're like the mother hen of the team." Wanda beams before cleaning off her spot at the table.

After dinner and everything was clean you called Peter over to the couch with you and Loki. "Peter we have a surprise for you." In an instant the boy hops over the couch and sits next to you and Loki. You make a small box appear and place it in his hands. He quickly opens it and pulls out a necklace with a small vial attached. "What is it?" He asks admiring it. "It's water from a Jotun glacier." "It's cold" he says holding the vial in his hand. "Yep it will stay cold. It has healing properties so if you were to get hurt on a mission and no one is near by to help you, drink it and it will heal you." "Thank you Aunt (Y/N) and Uncle Loki. I love it, you guys are the best." Peter says cuddling up in your arms which causes you to lean back on Loki. Loki snakes his arms around the two of you in a big group cuddle pile. "You're welcome hunny." You place a kiss on the top of the spider child's head and hold him close. "I love you guys." He breathes holding on to you tight. "We love you too kid." Loki says ruffling his hair. "Now off to bed with you it's a school night." You coo and the boy groans. "Goodnight Peter." "Night guys." He says before leaving for his room.

You and Loki continue to cuddle on the the couch just enjoying each others company. "I want one." You sigh looking up at Loki. "Want one what?" He raises his brow at you. "A baby." You say softly rubbing your belly imagining what it would be like carrying a child. "We don't need a baby. We got Peter." "He's not mine. I want to be a mother Loki. I want to be called mom not just aunt." You whine. "What would happen if we would have to fight and you're pregnant. I wouldn't know what to do if you would get hurt anytime let alone you heavy with my child. It's too risky (Y/N). At least right now." He coos pulling you into his lap resting his forehead on yours. Tears quietly slip down your cheeks knowing he is right. Too many factors against you having a baby right now. Too many enemies out there. "Hey no crying. We will have a baby eventually just not right now." He says brushing away your tears. "So you do want one?" You sniffle. "Of course my love." He sighs holding you close to his chest again. You break away when you hear the shuffling of feet. Your eyes narrow to something moving in the shadows. "Peter eavesdropping is very rude." You say walking towards him with your hands on your hips. "I'm sorry but my senses told me you were upset so I wanted to check on you." He says stepping into the light looking down at the floor. "I'm ok. You must go back to bed you have school tomorrow." You say kneeling down to him guiding his chin for him to look at you. "You were crying." He gasps seeing your tear stained cheeks. "What's wrong aunt (Y/N)?" "Nothing that concerns you. Now listen to (Y/N) and go back to bed." Loki says sternly walking up to the boy. "It's a husband and wife thing my sweet I'll be ok. Everything is ok." You coo but Peter still persisted. "I might be able to help please just tell me. You tell me everything." He says taking your hands in his. You sigh and tell him just to get him back to bed. "It's just there is a time in some woman's lives were they really want a baby. I have reached that time in my life because of you. I love taking care of you and watching you grow but you aren't mine and Loki's. We want a baby of our own but can't have one right now because we have missions to go on and enemies to fight." Your words make the spider child cry as he hugs you close. "I can be your baby." He says muffed by your shirt. "I can call you mom and everything. I love you guys and want to do this for you since you've done so much for me." He says looking up at you. "Gods you're too cute. But the others will get jealous about you calling me mom and Loki dad. We will be ok my love. You are enough for us right now. So just keep being your cute self and we will keep taking care of you. It's good practice for when we do finally have a baby." You giggle as you hug the kid tight kissing the top of his head. "Now off to bed." You say playfully swatting at his butt. "Ok I love you." He says through a yawn. "We love you too peter." You and Loki say in unison.

Once he is gone you turn to Loki and rest in his chest. "You handled that so well little one. I know how painful your need is but you did the right thing. We can wait for our own." Loki coos holding you flush to him. "I think we should head to bed too." You mumble. "Say no more my queen." Loki teleports to your bedroom with a flash already for bed. You climb into bed snuggling close to your husband that places soft kisses on your face as fatigue over takes you.

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