The anbu attack

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??? Pov

I jumped from tree to tree next to my partner "I think we are close to finding her."I said.
"why do we need her anyways?"my partner said looking at me.
"because pein told us to go get her."I said.
"whats her name again?"my partner said.
"her name is sakura haruno."I said before jumping ahead of my partner.

Sakura's Pov

I sighed as I walked tree to tree.
I cant believe I left konaha but now I can be come stronger and not be called weak all the time.
I noticed the sun was going down so decided to stop and make a fire.
I sat down and looked up at the moon then back at the fire.
I layed my head down on the ground and felt my eyes start to get heavy.
I tried to stay awake but I was way to tired.
I was woken up a sound of twigs cracking "who's there!"I yelled getting up.
I felt some chakra close by that's when the figures attacked me.
"sakura we are bring you back to konaha!"the anbu captain yelled.
I glared at him "I don't want to people treat me bad there!"I yelled banging the ground so hard it broke causing the anbu to fly far away from here.
I took a deep breath and then passed out from to much chakra lost.
??? Pov
I watched when sakura fought the leaf village anbu "woah she's strong."my partner said.
I nodded my head "that's probably why leader wants her."I said watching the fight
After a while the fight was over but then I saw sakura fall to the ground she fainted.
"ok lets bring her to the leader."I said jumping down from the tree and picking her up and leaving.
Hello um here is the next chapter I am sorry for taking so long so please comment or even vote and tell me what you think thank you and bye.

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