Eliminate Her

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It was an... odd transition, to say the least. The three had made a time schedule for whenever they were in their designated "zones," aka the bakery, apartment, and warehouse. Mikumo didn't know how he felt about it for sure. His morning would start right outside the apartment. He didn't even know how he got there, part of the memory gap thing, but he assumed that Izuku woke up in the morning and ate, because he was never hungry in the morning, got dressed, and did whatever he did that lead up to just outside the apartment door.

Then he'd go to work.

Mikumo would work like usual except for not having a random comment or two from Izuku or Deku every once in a while.

He made coffee, quite a few fancier ones, and chatted with regulars. He had even started learning how to do those fancy cream art latte's. He smiled and laughed and actually... as the days passed without Deku and Izuku, and even with the memory gaps, Mikumo has never felt more like himself.

Every time Dad came and ordered a black coffee. Every time he talked with Tsu, Kirishima, Denki, and even Bakugou and Uraraka. Mikumo came to like this way of living.

And, Mikumo's day came to an end about a block from the bakery.

Then he'd 'wake up' again outside of the apartment. The rest of the time was spent in his area of the mindspace in his 'room' thinking of different things for the bakery and heroes.


Shouta stared down at his young brunette student. To be honest, he had expected the girl to question him about this sooner.

"Aizawa-sensei..." Uraraka spoke quietly, "about Mikumo, at the bakery two months ago you told me and Bakugou that Mikumo was your son. What happened to you informing Principal Nedzu? Did you just say that so I'd stop following this?"

Wow. I've never seen her this forceful. Good to see she's getting some backbone in her. Now while Shouta may not be a teacher for much longer, due to obvious circumstances, he still cared about his students and raising the newest generation of heroes.

Shouta sighed loudly, getting a taken aback face from the teen in front of him. "Uraraka, you are a bright girl but you need to understand where your place is. Your place is a hero course student, not an active hero. Yes, he is my adoptive son but that means that I am able to keep a closer eye on him at our home than you are at the bakery. Make no mistake, if my son was really Deku, I would act accordingly."

"But he told me!" she said, voice rising. "I even saw him at the USJ!"

"Uraraka." She shut up. "Mikumo had gotten into some bad stuff beforehand. Nothing near as bad as the Quirkless Rejects, but knowing him, he most likely used his uncanny resemblance to the villain leader to scare you away so that you wouldn't get hurt."

"W- what? But I could have sworn it was him..."

Shouta shook his head. "No, as much as he used to get into trouble, Mikumo would never do that. He is trying to be better, I know. I will continue to look into this but please let me handle my son on my own terms as a hero and as a father."

She looked contemplative and chewed on her bottom lip. He combed his hand through his black hair. "Look, I've been assigned to the case of the Quirkless Rejects since the third criminal they left on the police station steps. I know more about them than anyone else, even Nudsu. Trust me on this."

Finally, Uraraka complied. She huffed. "Fine. But you better tell me if you learn anything else!"

Shouta walked out of the classroom.

"Telling an irrational, hormonal high school student about the underground hero work I am doing on a severely dangerous villain organization? I think not."


Shouta sighed. As he walked down the street to the bakery he constantly pinched his eyes. Suddenly he stopped. Deku wants to know about the summer camp so he obviously has a play for it. They could always... He shook his head. No. Bad idea. I'm their teacher! Shouta kept walking, ignoring the odd looks from passersby at his messy appearance and random stopping.

Not for long though. This might be the perfect chance to drop out. Ok, we will do that then. I'll have to talk with Deku about it.


Shouta opened the door to Soft Blossom Bakery. Sadly, that'll have to wait until later.

"Hey, Dad!" Mikumo waved from over the counter. Shouta waved back. "Hey, kid."

With the recent development between the three identities that Mikumo had informed him of, Deku did too seeing as he did not remember Mikumo telling Shouta, Shouta would have to wait till later tonight at the warehouse to discuss the idea.

For now, Shouta would spend some quality time with his son.


Deku 'woke up' about a block from the bakery, as per usual.

Man, I was the one to suggest this but it's still weird. It is like a day on repeat. Deku randomly ends up on the sidewalk with a gap where the memories of the day should be and in Mikumo's work attire, sans the apron. Then he just goes to the warehouse and gets into his costume. Deku feels the back of his head after putting his mask over his mouth and turning on his sunglasses.

"I need a haircut," he comments to himself.

Deku lifted up his vest and examined the scar. It was fairly large even though he was mostly healed. The slight pain would probably always be there and the teen had a slightly harder time breathing now. The consequences of his reckless actions he supposes. As well as the scars that littered his arms and legs from battles against heroes and criminals and training with Stain.

They all sported battle wounds now. Hard breathing, constant slight pain, and large scars? A small price to pay for the justice of the rejected.

He left the commons bathroom. Today he was back on the streets, his first time going out to fight since the news station attack. He was still having to take it slow, as per request from his friends until he got back into the swing of things, so it was going to be a lowly criminal this time. Also because he was taking another member with him that has never done this before. They were trying to incorporate more of the members in as time went on.

He was making his way over to Jodie, his partner for the night, when Eraserheads voice traveled across the large room to him.

"Chief Deku." It wasn't loud, the hero wasn't that kind of man, but he could project and make his voice carry enough so that he had a longer range. The greenette turned. "What's up, Eraserhead?" The man met him in the middle. "We need to talk." Deku's eyes darkened behind the sunglasses as he followed the hero to the sofas in the corner. They sat down.

"Okay, let us talk then." Eraserhead nodded. "Uraraka is pressing more and I fear that she will tell about Mikumo being a cover-up." Deku sighed and absentmindedly messed with his earring. Maybe I should get a new one of those too? "Ah, I had a feeling this would happen when you told Bakugou and Uraraka that he was your son... So what do you propose we do? You aren't the kind to tell me about something so troubling without a plan of action."

"I feel like you are describing yourself."

Deku shrugged. "Great minds think alike."

Eraserhead rolled his eyes. "Well, you aren't wrong. I have an idea."

"Let's hear it then." Deku gestured to him.

"Well, I know you have been looking for information on the summer training camp coming up in May, two months from now. I think, and I hate that I thought of this, we should take her." Deku sunglasses swirled in confusion. "Take her... out? Just what are you suggesting, Eraserhead?"

"She is my student, but before being a teacher I am a member of the Quirkless Rejects and will first protect it. What I am suggesting is kidnapping Uraraka."

Deku closed his eyes, sunglasses going blank, and took a deep breath. He opened them. "What the heck, Eraserhead? Are you serious?"

The man nodded. "And what do you presume we do with the girl once we kidnap her?" They stared at each other for a long second before Eraserhead opened his mouth.

"Eliminate the threat."

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