Old Teammate

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(Okay, so, I messed up just a lil bit on this one. When they said all the older Expendables died in The Expendables 3, I thought they were also including Tool... oh well. Anyway, so it is inferred that Tool dies here, but he doesn't, I was just too lazy to go back and take it out.)

"Billy the Kid," the words escaped Pup's mouth before she could stop them. The three older Expendables, save Doc, looked back at the redhead in shock. "Y'all were thinkin' it, I just voiced it!"

Gunner, Lee, and Toll all shared a look and Pup clenched her fists, twirling around and storming towards where Barney had fled.

"Only she'd bring that up," said Lee as he looked over at Gunner. A scowl had placed itself upon the Swede's face as his gaze darted after the retreating woman.

"Who's Billy?" one of the younger, new Expendables asked.

"Barney! Barney, I wanna talk to you!" Pup's eyes briefly dashed towards Trench, who was leaning against the plane, smoking a cigar. "Ya shouldn't be smokin' next to aviation fuel," she growled out as she walked by with a speed only Pup could achieve. Trench scoffed, moving away from the fuel after his second warning.

"You should leave, Pup," Barney ordered in a quiet voice, packing things to put on the plane.

"No. No! Fuck no, Barney." Barney could see Pup was unhappy and had visible signs of insomnia. "Ya know damn well I can't go back to doin' nothing without ya! What the hell am I suppose to do now? I don't want to live m'life any differently than I did in the Expendables!" There was a slight pause before Pup whimpered, "Barney," out pathetically with a slight childish stamp of her foot.

"What do you want me to do, Pup?" Barney slammed the lid to one of his cases shut with a loud, resounding click.

Pup's jaw clenched and she looked up at Barney with a hopeless expression, "I don't know. I don't want to be normal, Barney. I can't live without... well, without death."

"Pup," Barney growled, running a hand over his weary face. "Look, I just don't want you and the guys to get hurt. You're all I really have left for family since Tool."

Pup looked away from Barney, turning her back to him. "What the hell am I supposed to tell Eve?"

"Let Lee tell her the news."

Pup sucked in her cheek, biting it. "I can't do that on a good conscious."

"I'm surprised you have any conscious."

Pup turned back around and looked down and then up at Barney. "Yer a bastard. I wanna fight, Barney. Ya know ya can't do this without us, we're yer team!"

"All the more reason I can't. Jeez, woman! Your father went after this man with me! I can't let you go after him and die in the same way!"

"Ya leave m'father out of this! He wasn't m'real father, didn't act like it anyway. He was a no good, lyin', cheatin', idiotic, bitch of a man! Hell, he hardly even knew what he was doing half the time!"

"He was a good man!"

"You didn't know him!" It was quiet for a few moments before Pup turned her head away again. "Ya didn't know him when he was home," she said much quieter than before.

"Pup, please. You gotta understand. I love you like a sister, you know that right?" Pup made some kind of choking sound of agreement accompanied by a barely perceptible nod. "Besides, someone has to watch out for Caesar. Someone who knows what to look for."

"We've lost Tool, Barney, I don't think we'll survive loosing you too. Or Caesar."

"I know, I know."

Barney, uncomfortably and awkwardly, wrapped Pup into a tight hug. She hugged him back, "I can't lose ya, Barney. I can't lose you, too."

"Pup, come on! We're goin'!" Gunner yelled.

"Go on, you have a drunk Swede to take care of," Barney said, stepping back from the redhead.

"Dammit, ya better come back alive, ya idiotic son of a bitch. Don't let what happened to Billy happen to them."

Pup knew that probably wasn't going to happen, because that was the exact reason Barney had retired the older Expendables, and she left at the sound of Gunner's voice urging her to leave again.

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