Strangers - (Y/N POV)

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Present Day – Zac Sang's Interview

"I'm the one who was lucky!" Lauren said laughing. Her laugh was definitely unique and never failed to make me laugh, so I joined in.

"Fascinating though, how two major forces of nature like yourselves can just collaborate this way and create this amazing piece of art. I love it." Zac said into the microphone.

"Thanks man." I said to Zac.

"What was the inspiration for that song?" Zac asked me and also turned to Lauren to get her input, which I appreciated.

"Well, I had a few ideas with the lyrics as I had written them awhile ago. I never had anything concrete to put down. When Lauren joined in on the creating process, she came in with some solid material and kind of penned down what I was never able to continue penning down." I looked at Lauren who nodded in agreement.

"I mean, it's also really easy to work with Y/N. She knows exactly what she wants." She winked at me and I felt myself blush.

Flashback – A little over a year ago – Y/N's home

I slowly unlocked the front door and stepped inside. I saw Lauren wave bye at me once she saw I had made my way inside my place safely.

The lights were all turned off, but I smell a faint hint of Ariana's perfume. Switching on the lamp, I saw her coat which was hanging in the hallway on coat rack and her clutch bag placed on the dresser. She was definitely here.

Going up the stairs, as quietly as a tipsy me could be, I decided to stop by the bathroom first to brush my teeth in order to not to have this horrible liquor smell on my breath.

I knew Ariana must have probably already been sleeping. When I opened the door to my bedroom, I made sure to tiptoe towards my wardrobe and started to remove my clothes which smelled, at this point, of cigarette and a night out.

A light suddenly turned on and I froze in my sleeping shorts and bra, standing there like a complete idiot. I slowly turned around to see Ariana sitting up in the bed, which caused me to jump a bit in surprise from just her silhouette.

"Oh jesus, Ari." I exclaimed in slight fear. She did not seem amused and I knew I would be in trouble.

"Where the hell where you?" She said, a bit annoyed.

"Did you check your voicemail and the trillion other texts I sent you?" I asked, a bit defensive and annoyed at her too.

"That was hours ago, you only come home now. Guess Jauregui's got something that I don't." She said very jealously as she shifted a bit in bed.

"Where the hell is that coming from?" I asked, thinking she was just joking around. But she wasn't, I wasn't going to have to justify myself.

"I met Lauren at the 1975 concert I told you I was going to, while you went on a date with Pete."

"PR date." She interrupted me.

"Date. Lauren happened to be here and she saw that I wasn't feeling my best so she invited me out to have a drink with her, Dinah and Normani. I drank, a bit more than I should have, so Lauren was nice enough to offer me a ride home."

"You sure a "ride" home was all she offered you?" She asked aggressively.

"Oh what the fuck Ariana. I'm not the one that's being dishonest here." I snapped back, biting my tongue as soon as my words escaped my mouth. I hated getting into fights but this had been a long time coming with everything bottled inside.

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