Beach fun

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This imagine is for @moonwalker0818 hope you like it!

You and Tony had been trying to get away for a couple weeks now but your schedules just never seem to align anymore. Until finally you both set aside a day to go to the beach.

You put on your favorite swimsuit and some shorts over your bottoms. You grab your fanny pack with everything you'll need. Sunscreen, your phone, extra cash and gum.

Your phone dings and it's a text from Tony. You walk outside and see that he is here.

You jump in and give him a quick kiss. "Hi love" he says smiling "Ive missed you". "I missed you too, I'm so glad we get a whole day with each other".

Once you get to the beach you grab your towels and picnic basket and start the walk to find somewhere to set up.

You find a secluded little place behind some rocks. You set up your towel and take off your shorts and fanny pack. "I think I'm going to tan for a little" you say but Tony just grins. "Not today Kennedy" he says and then he starts running at you. He picks you up and starts running to the water "wait my hair no!" you yell but it's no use. You soon find yourself slacking wet standing in the ocean.

"You are dead Tony Lopez!" You say swimming towards him. You tackle him and push him under the water. He pushes you up onto his should and stands up. "Ah don't drop me" you say grabbing his head.

Finally he lets you down. You fold your arms and try to act mad but in reality you weren't and he knew it. "Aww I'm sorry love" he says leaning in to kiss you. When you pull back for air you can't even act mad anymore.

"Im hungry, what did you pack for us?" You ask he just nods his head towards the beach and you follow over there. He had packed turkey sandwiches with your favorite potato chips and some cosmic brownies for dessert. "You are forgiven" you say as you dive in. He just laughs and starts to eat.

"Wanna lay down with me?" He asks laying out your towels next to each other. You nod and go to snuggle up next to him.

The next thing you know Tony is shaking you awake. "Kennedy? Wake up time to go" you blink your eyes open. "What time is it?" You ask "Around 730" he says grabbing your hand "I already gathered our stuff" he says handing you your towel when you started shivering. "Thanks" you say smiling. "Here take the keys and I'll meet you in the car" he says.

You start walking towards the car. It doesn't matter how long you've been dating. He gives you butterflies every time.

When tony gets into the car you are asleep again. He smiles and starts the car. 'I can't believe how much I love her' he thinks driving away.

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