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It's been four weeks since we landed in Italy and Franco is finally back at home recovering rather than being in hospital. At this point in time, Dom and I have decided to stay on in Italy, Dad and the rest of the crew handling things at home with the Cobras and everything has been going well with them.

At this stage, we haven't been able to find any gang or crew responsible for Franco's shooting but the boys are still looking into it. Bex and Riccardo are still here with us, helping out with everything but with not much happening they're looking at going home in a few day's time and Riccardo will take over the Cobras for dad. 

Dom was right to appoint Pat as Franco's second in charge as that's who Franco wanted. In the last four weeks we've really gotten to know Pat, his wife Stella and their baby Enzo who is the same age as our son Andre. On any given day we have four babies in the house, but it seems to be working so far.

"Hey" Dom says with a sign as he makes his way into our bedroom where I am currently sitting with Andre while he lays on the bed drinking his bottle.

"Hey, you okay honey?" I ask as I take his deflated expression

"It's been four weeks and Franco still can't leave bed, I worry this is going to be a long recovery"

"There is every chance it'll be a long recovery, but we can help out where we can"

"That's the thing, he's asked me to come back and help him on a more permanent basis"

"Oh." I say softly looking up at him

"I know, and I don't know what to do." He hangs his head "I can't turn my back on my brother, but I also can't leave you and Andre."

"Honey." I hold my hand out to him.

He takes my hand and sits down next to him. "It's okay, we'll work something out." I place my hand on his cheek

"How?" He asks sadly

"I don't know, but we'll do it somehow, you don't have to be without us and you don't have to let Franco and the Ricci family down." I rub his cheek gently "Let me talk to dad and I'll see what I can we can work out."

"You are the most amazing wife any man could have you know that right?" He questions as he looks back up at me

"My husband tells me so yes" I give him a soft smile

He leans over and places his hand in my hair pulling me closer to him, then presses his lips to mine. I kiss him back, my body moving even closer to his. He deepens the kiss and I swirl my tongue around his hungry.

Soft giggling pulls us both from our kiss and I turn back looking at Andre who is giggling up at us

"What? What's so funny?" I ask Andre ticking his tummy.

Dom lays down next to him with a grin and says "I thought we talked about this, I thought you wanted a baby brother. So you gotta let Papa do his things" he smirks at me

"Stop it!" I giggle and lay down on the other side of Andre. He looks up at me with his big brown eyes and wiggles over closer to me and snuggles in signing tiredly

"I know little man it's a hard life" I giggle softly as I rub his back

"Mammas boy isn't he." Dom smiles

"For now, I'm sure when he's older he'll be more connected to you, so for now, let my baby love me before he decides Daddy is better" I smile down at Andre "Now come and cuddle me." I wriggle into the middle of the bed with Andre in my arms.

Dom moves over us and lays down next to me, wrapping his arm around me as he snuggles his front into my back.

I make my way into the bedroom where Dom is putting Andre down for a sleep.

"Is he asleep?" I whisper

Dom nods as he moves away from the cot slowly not wanting to wake him as he can be hard to put to sleep. Once he's in the clear we shut the bedroom door and make our way down to the living room, Dom bringing the monitor with him.

"How did the phone call go?" He asks as he makes our way into the upstairs living room

"Good" I nod "So we came up with a plan. What if we split our year between here and America."

"As in, live in two places?"

"Essentially yes" I nod "we'd live here for six months and help Franco and live in America for six months and run the Corbas"

"Alena, I can't ask you do that"

"I've spoken to dad and Ricci and they're fine with it, Ricci is happy to run it for the six months I'm not there, and I know Pat and Franco can do the six months here when we're in Springs"

"You really think it'll work?"

"It's not going to be perfect and there will be times when I'll be called home I'm sure, but we have to at least give this a try." I look down at the ground "Because I can't be without you, and I don't want Andre to grow up never knowing when you're going to be home" I feel a tear slide down my cheek

"Hey" Dom raises my chin and wipes my tear "I would never leave you and Andre, ever okay?" he questions as he looks for the answer in my eyes "I'll do whatever I have to do to keep us all together and if that means going back to America I'll tell Franco I can't help here, I'll always choose you Alena, I'll always choose our son"

"But you don't have to choose, we can just try this and see how it runs and if it doesn't work then we'll try something else, but for now, what do you say?"

"I say, that you are the kindest, sweet, thoughtful woman in the world and I love you so damn much." He presses his lips to mine once more.

As our kiss becomes more intense he pulls me into his lap, and I straddle him, moving my hips against his and we kiss. Moving my lips from his I begin kissing down his jaw and the side of his neck

"Fuck Alena" he whispers in a groan

Suddenly Andre starts crying through the baby monitor and I pull away.

"I swear he wants to be an only child." Dom places me back on the couch and stands up "I'll go and settle him then I'll be dealing with you" he smirks

I stand up with a smirk and walk over to him "I'll be waiting in the shower, so don't take to long" I whisper before strutting past him

There will be another large time jump in the next chapter, because chapter 60 is the final chapter of Alena!  Please follow my Instagram for what's coming next! A new trailer is about to drop. 


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