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Ethan POV

I pinched my nose bridge after Crystal ended the phone call. Now I have to tell Lizzie that I can't go to her parent's house with her this Christmas to meet them.

I got up thinking about what I'm going to do. I had promised to go to her parents for Christmas dinner. Crystal said Christmas day so maybe I could be at her parents' house in the morning then be back here to get ready for Lizzie parents house.

That's not a bad idea. It could work and no one gets hurt or disappointed. I really need to find out how this parenting thing is going to work especially since I live here and she lives in another state and I don't think she is moving back. She had built a new life there and I don't think she would just move back here just so I could see my child everyday or when I can.

Will she do that?

She did just run from her life her why can't she do it again so I can be apart of my child's life without being so far apart from her. I don't want to communicate with her over a phone every time I need to see and talk to her. It would be hard to visit every day taking a plane back and forth and I have work to do here.

The only reason why I found her was because I was in the state on a business trip.

I remembered that my mother wanted to see me but it's too late in the night to go over there now. They must be asleep right and I don't want to wake them up at this late hour.

I didn't want to bring work with me home so I finished typing the last paperwork packed up my stuff then left my office locking the door behind me.

The building was dark since I was the only one left in the building. I greeted the security wishing him a good night making my way to my car.

I thought I would have fallen asleep from exhaustion driving home but I made it safely into the driveway. Dragging my half-asleep self to the door opening it then locking making my way upstairs to my bedroom.
I strip down to my underpants falling on my side of the bed falling asleep as soon as my body hits the bed.

I woke up the next morning to Lizzie still sound asleep beside me. She looked like an angel with her hair sprawled out beneath her. I brush a strand of hair from her forehead and she shifts in her sleep her brown eyes opening to stare at me. "Good Morning, " she said sleepily not fully awake.

"Good morning, " I kissed her on her forehead getting out of bed. I didn't get the needed hour of sleep but it was better than none.

"You came home late again, " she said giving me a scolding look. She always warns me that work that didn't get to finish in work hours should be left for the next day but I never listen I always work late. I sighed running my hand through my bed hair.

"I know, " I whispered.

"I was waiting up for you, " she added in a disappointment.

"I'm sorry I made you stayed up late for me but I always tell you not to wait up, " I replied.

"And I always tell you not to work so late, it's not safe to drive home in such a late hour you could fall asleep around the steering wheel and possible meeting in an accident, " she scolds frowning at me and my reckless behavior.

"I'm here aren't I, " I said trying to calm her but it did the opposite.

"I'm serious Ethan something could have happened to you, " she fretted and I know I worry her but she needs to understand that I have to work late some night when I have an important paper to deal with that can't wait the next day.

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