Chapter 14 - Welcome old friend.

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Fear her because she is higher than the devil himself.
                                   - Tesora Hearts.



I'm back. Miss me, Kiara.
I could never  miss you, Tesora. You only cause mischief and suffering wherever you go.
I know right?
Why do you even do this?
I do it to protect you.

I was standing in a dark room with my counterpart, Tesora Hearts. She looked exactly like me except she had red eyes and black hair with black lips.

I guess you want to her the story. You've always had me with you, Kiara. We would play as kids. Everyone in the family knew me. You would step aside from time to time to let me see the outside world. To let me live. I was your guardian. Your protector.

Then what happened

Wyatt Greyson is what happened. He kidnapped us and used all sorts of scientific equipment to figure you out. Then he found me, an innocent looking girl with a weird appearance.

He wanted to see how far I could go. He wanted to know the lengths to which I could go. So he locked you in a virtual reality world, and kept me in reality.

He would beat me, abuse me, exploit me. I would take everything if it meant I wouldn't have to let you out. I didn't care, I had to protect you.

One day, I was sleeping and then I felt someone slip their hands under my shirt. The person began to roam around my breast, he fondled it, grabbed it and squeezed it so hard. I woke up.

There he was, laying beside me with is hands underneath my shirt. I asked him what he was doing and he threatened to kill me if I shouted. So I kept quiet. His hands began to go lower, I started shaking.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. He undid my belt, and dragged my jeans down. He slipped one finger in and I started crying.

It felt horrible.

He started removing his Jeans and his boxers. That was when I lost it and killed him.

Well i think i did.

That was the day i became like this. I couldn't control my love for blood.

But you have to, Tesora. I now know that it isn't your fault that you'll like this. Bit you have to control yourself once in a while.

I'll try. By the way, how about we hang before you go?

Why not

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