Chapter 11: Getting Back on My Feet

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What happened?... What caused us to drift away... my best friends... and now the men that I love...

I'm down on my knees

Pleading for you to come

Please save me...

Someone, please guide me back... Someone, please set me free... Please take me back to the to when I knew who was "me."


{(Y/n)'s POV}

I have been in this slump for almost two years. But I don't understand why we had to break up. We are childhood friends, and everyone just slipped and faded away.  I barely even talk to them, yet I STILL FRICKEN SEE THEM! Why did they leave me? Was I too childish? I was their burden? 





WHAT MADE US... Fadeaway

I finally decided to get up out of bed, and I looked out of the window to the quiet forest outside my house. A lot of things have changed over the past two years and I believe I owe everyone an explanation.

Once we got back from Korea, things usually continued as they were before. Things started to change when everyone started to argue and get busy due to clashing schedules, messy rooms, and doing something for the group. Everyone just fell apart, and all of a sudden, we argued. We said things that we didn't mean, and that was it. Everyone else had other priorities. I just went back to school, graduated, and continued to work in the music industry and did a few modeling things. 

We lost touch and I hated every moment of that argument. I remember crying and begging everyone to stay because they were my family, closer than my birth family. I didn't want them to leave and I didn't expect them to go. Then again I should have known that everyone had their own priorities beside me. I admit I was selfish and I wanted them to be there. I was taken cared of but it was time to grow up. I wish I could have matured a little sooner and been a little less selfish.

I miss them. I really do. My best friends became strangers and I didn't really know what to do. Ever since then I attended a few major events for the music and modeling industry but mostly I have been laying low and just writing and coping with myself. 

But now I think its time to get back on my feet and start a tour. Get to explore the world again and enjoy it. 

~ Looooong time skip ~

{Author's POV}

With a few months of preparation and getting a little more active with her fan and community, (Y/n) was back in action and ready to tour the world. She was first going to start in the Americas and then work her way east around the world. 

That was the plan before she got a call from someone...

{(Y/n)'s POV}

'Damon? I wonder what dodo head wants?'

I answer the call and hear his voice. 

"Hey (Y/n)... It's been a while..."

"Yeah it has... How have you been?"

"The same old same old. Busy schedule, take care of myself, and occasionally enjoy things. What about you?"

"Busy as well. I miss everyone..."

"I-I do too (N/n)..."

There was silence on the phone for a bit before Damon finally spoke up again. 

"Would you like to hang out a bit after your tour? I think its time we should start hanging out again."

"Ummm Yeah. That would be great. I gotta go, Damon, I have to get ready."

"Alright (N/n), be safe and keep in contact, okay?"

"I will dodo head."

We both laughed a bit before bidding each other goodbye. I couldn't help but smile before I felt the tears in my eyes start pouring out of me along with every other emotion known to man.

'Alright (Y/n) get it together."

I took a deep breath before I wiped my tears and got ready for my long world tour.



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