The day i was transported

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Y/N Pov

Beep Beep Beep Beep-

I put my hands at the button off my alarm clock as i lazily get off my bed. I look at my computer desk. It was a mess, pen had fallen off the pen holder, tissues were scattered around the floor and empty energy drink cans are still on the desk

Y/N: Yawn I need to clean up

I got a trash bag and started putting the trash onto the bag. I dont want any mouse or insects inside my room

After cleaning up, i took a bath, put on some clothes and head out of my house and place the trashbag near the bin as i went to the city

This is a normal routine for me. Wake up, take a bath, head to the city for breakfast and have a look around at a library

Short timeskip

After eating breakfast i look around the city for a little while. I pass by a group of girls and they seem to have fun together. I look at the girls who continued to chat and they were no longer on my sight

I continue to walk towards the library to pass the time. I went inside the usual library that i take my time to read stuff

As i enter the library, the old librarian greeted me, it was an unusual thing for her to do but i guess im now a regular visitor

The old Librarian is Mrs. Ruth, she was working inside this library for around 20 years or so. She's around in her 60's

Mrs. Ruth: Good morning Y/N

Y/N: Good morning Mrs. Ruth

Mrs. Ruth: I have noticed that you have taken alot of interest in these sort of stuff

She got something under her desk while i anticipated for the suprise. Soon, a stack of book was presented infront of me and saw around 6 books

Mrs. Ruth: These are your favorites. History books and Light Novels

Y/N: Oh, Thank you Mrs. Ruth, you're too kind. How can i pay you back?

Mrs. Ruth: Oh, no need to. Its fine

Y/N: Thank you again Mrs. Ruth

I went towards a free table and set down the books. I examine every single book that Mrs. Ruth gave to me

There are 6 books total and 3 of them are history books and the other 3 are Light Novels

I examine the History Books first and these are

Die Deutsche Wehrmacht
Die Deutsche Luftwaffe
Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine

Y/N: They're all the German army?

I look at the tables of content and they were background, ranking, noteable Generals and Admirals, Weapon/Plane/Ship, and everything basically you need to know

As of the Light Novel, they are the Light Novels i know about except for one particular book and its called

The summoned Hero

Out of curiousity, i began reading this interesting Light Novel

The story is about a hero that was summoned from another world to defeat the forces of hell and saving humanity. Humanity once fought battles with the forces of hell but it came at a cost. Millions of lives were lost but if a hero fought along side the kingdoms, the forces of hell would be defeated

The hero would have extraordinary abilities and power to not just defeat hell itself but also help humanity's growth. Water, Earth, Fire and Wind all combined is the power of the chosen hero

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