Chapter Sixteen

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~Cleopatras POV~

"Come on sweetheart, today's the day." My Dad leant around my bedroom door, followed by Jamie who was carrying a cup of tea. "Time to get out of bed."

I smiled weakly, and nodded as Jamie placed the mug on my desk. The two men shared a glance, before my Dad spoke again. "If this is too much today, then you don't have to go. Don't feel pressured to go to the coronation after what happened-"

"I want to go." I gulped at their serious faces, which I didn't like seeing. I liked watching them laugh and joke with one another, not feeling pity for me. By the serious glint in their eye, I knew they were reliving what had happened to me last weekend.

"Then that's great." Jamie smiled wide, and nudged my Dad out of the door, "we'll take you to Tyrs when you're dressed."

The door shut behind them, and I relaxed back onto my bed. I'd forced myself to visit school all week, but I hadn't been myself - even I knew that. I only felt like the real Cleopatra when I was with my Dad, Jamie, or Tyr. The three of them had accompanied me to the police station the morning after I'd slept at Tyrs, to hand over the ripped clothes I had been wearing when Nathan...

They'd also taken swabs under my nails as proof of his DNA, as I'd scratched him when he'd tried to force himself on me. After giving a statement, and Loki and Freya's furious entrance into the police station, the process had been sped up and Nathan was jailed with a full sentence. His early birthday in the year meant he was already 18, so he was sent to an adult prison to serve the full time.

Tyr had been... amazing. He knew I wouldn't want pity or sympathy, yet made sure he knew I knew that he was always there if I needed to cry, which I had done on the first day of school after seeing everybody watching me.

I sipped my tea as I got dressed, and picked up my overnight bag of necessities I'd packed with Tyrs help during the week. I would wear Asgardian clothes whilst I was away, so I didn't have a lot of things to take.

"Ready?" Jamie asked, as I met him on the bottom step.

I nodded, and followed my parents out of the house and towards the car.


~Tyrs POV~

"Pharaoh!" She stood on the doorstep, smile on her face as she threw her arms around me. I hugged her back, feeling a sense of security wave over me before she stepped back.

"Jamie, William, Mum says you guys can come inside for a bit. Everyone's getting ready to go, but you can stay until we leave."

"Thanks." Cleopatras Dad, William, smiled, and followed us into the house.

Jamie whistled from behind me, and I didn't realise why until I followed his line of sight. I rolled my eyes, and approached the group who were spread out on the sofas. "Everyone, this is Cleopatra, and her dads William and Jamie."

Uncle Tony stood up, and offered them each a handshake. "This is the famous Cleopatra?"

I could see her cheeks blush a furious red, visible even under her makeup. She stuttered out a small, "I guess," before glaring up at me. "You could have warned me they'd all be here." She muttered.

I laughed, and turned slightly so I could whisper into her ear. "Where's the fun in that?"

She playfully pushed my shoulder, and took me up on my unspoken challenge by walking across the group to sit beside Auntie Nat. The two began an immediate discussion, and I smiled at the sight. She needed an opportunity to relax, and I knew that even though it would be stressful at times, escaping to Asgard for a long weekend might be exactly what she needed.

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