The TV Show Watcher

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Dear you,

So you’re at Season 9. There’s a whole lot of stories and plotlines that are already out there. You have already been through a lot. It feels a whole world away.

I want to see you from Season 1. I want to know your origin story! Who were you before you became the ‘you’ I met now? I want to see who you met and how you smiled before it all. I want to see how those lines got there on your forehead along with the laugh lines I see now. I want to hear all the bad jokes you cracked before the ones I hear now.

I want to see Season 2. How did your character develop? What songs did you listen to? What happened then that every time you listen to that song today, you stop in your tracks, smile a little and continue as though nothing happened?

I want to binge on Season 3. I want to know why you carry a camera everywhere you go. Were you the sort that had a film camera before? Are you the one who has hordes of photo albums at home of every single person you loved? Are you there too, smiling into the camera? I want to see.
I want to pause every few minutes on Season 4. I want to watch your dream spark in your eyes. I want to watch as you realize what you want to do with your life and go hurtling towards it. I want to see how the struggle years shaped you into the humble person you are today! I want to be there when you fall and I want to be there when you get up.

Season 5 is where it gets even better, I suppose. It is probably your new beginning. I’m still not there but you’re there, the hero of your story, marching along. I want to watch you stride your stride and smile your beautiful smile. I’m not there but I want to see it all.

I will then catch up on Season 6, 7 and 8. Let me catch up on you. Please? It’s been a long day and I want to unwind by getting to know my favourite character. I would wear that t-shirt with that quote you said in Season 2. I would cheer from the sidelines as part of the fandom you never even knew you had.

Because that’s what happens when you meet someone you love. They want to know it all. I want to know the journey, the path you followed to get to that precise moment when you walked into my life and I walked into yours. I’m waiting.

Next episode begins in 3,2,1…

All my love,

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