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The normal stone structures and castle of Takodana is not the same when we finally arrive there. The statues and buildings are knocked down, small fires in some areas and tens of dead stormtroopers lying on the ground. The first order ships had abandoned the area for some reason, leaving only their dead soldiers and the surviving inhabitants of Takodana. As the transport doors open I get hit with the feeling of the fresh air that's all around this beautiful world, I'm standing next to C3PO as we watch Leia be reunited with her husband. Threepio walks towards them and I try to tell him to not intervene but he doesn't listen and once again pushes himself into a conversation. 

Letting them have space, I walk over where I see a man with darker skin wearing Poe's jacket standing with BB-8. "Hello, you must've been the one to help BB-8 here, thank you so much. What's you name." I ask the nervous man, "Oh I'm Finn." That name rings a bell and I realize that it is the same name that Poe told me earlier, about the guy who saved him. It might be a coincidence but I bring him into a hug anyway. He's obviously very confused by my hug and steps back after I release him. "You saved Poe from the First Order right? You're the stormtrooper." He nods with a slight smile. "Thank you so much." I leave him standing there confused as to who I am, walking back to the transport while they go back to the infamous Falcon. 

I spent a majority of the short travel back looking out the window while the leaders talked about our next plan of action. Apparently Han was telling Leia about a girl that was taken by the First Order, a girl who saved BB-8 back on Jakku. When we get back the base was happy to see we won the fight with no casualties, I ran over to Jess and hugged her tightly. "Woo that was an intense one, but it was so cool, those measly Tie's didn't see us coming." she said excitedly. We see Beebee zoom past our feet at almost record speed when he sees Poe for the first time, Poe's face has the largest grin I've ever seen as he's reunited with his metal best friend, rubbing him on his sides. "Poe? Is that you?" I hear Finn next to me as he runs up to Poe. "Finn!" Poe says back happily. 

I feel Jess tap my shoulder and whisper in my ear, "Who's that, and why is he wearing your boy's jacket." I dust off her sly comment about Poe being my boy and explain why he's here. "He helped get BB-8 off of Jakku with another girl who got taken by the Order, however before that he helped Poe escape from a First Order ship. He's a defect Trooper." Jess looks at me with her Jaw basically to the floor, eyes wide. "Holy shit that's amazing." I nod and watch the boys together when finally Poe sees me behind Finn and he excuses himself from their conversation. He jogs up to us and politely smiles at Jess, "Glad to see you're not dead, now can you give me a moment since you interrupted ours earlier." Poe says to her with sass, she rolls her eyes at him as she starts to walk away, "Always a charmer, Dameron." she yelled back giving him the finger. 

He looked back at me and finally pulled me into a tight hug. "Hello beautiful." his nickname sends butterflies into my stomach, I pull back and forcefully put my lips to his. He's surprised at first but then melts into my kiss, putting his hand sweetly on my cheek. When we pull back he is laughing, "I like that kind of hello, you should do it more often." I nudge his chest. I notice Finn behind Poe, and Poe turns to him and back around to me. "I need to help Finn talk to General about his friend, so follow us." Poe runs ahead of me with Finn close behind. 

"General Organa!" Poe says, interrupting her conversation, but she turns to him and Finn anyway giving them her full attention. "This is Finn-" Poe starts to say but she quickly interrupts. "I know who he is, you're so brave for what you did back on the Star Destroyer. Han told me about the girl and we'll trying our best to get her back." Poe interjected again, "He's familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system he worked on the base." This grabs Leia's attention easily as well as Snap's and Connix's around us. "We're desperate for anything you can give us." Leia says and Finn enthusiastically nods. 

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