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Bennys POV

I woke up with a large smile on my face last night was awesome I got up and got dressed this was the last week of school so nothing really important I got my glove and went to the kitchen

"Your walking lizzy to school and back"
I said walking over and kissing her forehead she giggled and lizzyed yelled from the door
"Come on Ben Ben I see Izzy and your girlfriend"

She was right there was Noah locking her door and walking out she had on light blue shorts and my hoodie. her wavy hair was in a high ponytail she walked thought the path and smiled at what Chris was saying I rushed to my room and grabbed my bag and books rushing out the door to catch up with Noah

I held lizzys hand as we rushed to the girls I went up behind Noah and hugged her waist she giggled and looked at me her black glasses where nearly on her nose and she looked cute

"Thank god hold Chris for me"
She said passing me Chris she got her bag and dig through it
I pulled out a scrunchie , zipping back up her bag she put it back on her back and handed me the scrunchie

"Since you gave me a hoodie I thought I should give you this"

I put down Chris and looked at it, it was silk and a dark blue i put it on my wrist and looked at her and smiled as soon as I did she blushed and started walking Izzy and lizzy where ahead of us. Once we where at school we said by to the girls and Noah kisses chords and izzys cheeks. They rushed in and went to class she walked up to me and smiled

"You would make a great mom"

"Thank you"
She said blushing we walked to class and smiled

I had homeroom and 7th period with her we where sitting in home room when I noticed her sitting by herself I had this class with ham since her is the only one of the team that's the same age as me. I looked over and saw her fiddling in her note book smiling I thought of an idea

Noah's pov
I was doddling In my notebook to pass time when I noticed a wad of paper lad on my paper I looked up and noticed Benny talking to ham and another kid
I got the paper and read it
"You look cute today nice hoodie"

I look back up and see Benny with his head In his hands

I smiled and wrote back on it and threw it back at him

He looked at me and smiled he read it and blushed I heard the red head ask him what was on it but Benny stumbles over his words and stuffed the paper in his pocket she put his head down I smiled

Bennys POV

Thanks bubba you look handsome today

What is she trying to do kill me!
I will tell you this I gonna los me my mind if she keeps this up.

After homeroom I had no classes with her so it was boring

At lunch I saw her in the cafeteria getting food I smiled and walked up behinds her and gave her a hug she giggled and while she was laughing I payed for her food which was just cola and a bag of chips

"What's up Benny"
She said as I let go following her
"Nothing wanted to know if you could come with me to play ball right now"

"Sure let me-"
"Heya Benny baby!"

It was Brenda she's a brat, she thought That we are dating for some reason so she always follows me like a lost puppy calling me dumb names. I saw Noah look down at the ground. I sighed and said

"What do you want Brenda"

"To say hi to my boyfriend"
"I'm not dating you"
"Oh darling that's it what you said yesterday on our date"

"What date?"
"Remember we went to a restaurant and I gave you that's scrunchie"

"Um no I actually went on a date with Noah here and she gave me this scrunchie"
I said standing next to her
"Benny your cheating on me!"

"How can I cheat on you when I'm not even dating you?"
She stormed off I look at Noah and she had opened her chips and started eating them I grabbed some and we started walking to the baseball field

On the way there we talked about the girls, teachers and school gossip it was fun having Noah around but I want to call her mine. She opened up her soda and sat down on the bleachers I waved at me as I walked over to the guys

"Benny man who's The chick?"

Ham said

"That's Noah future girlfriend"
"You haven't got her yet?"
"Nope I not want to rush it"

The guys shrugged and we started when we where at pitch I looked over and saw Noah sitting looking at me and I ran over real quick i she looked at me and said
"What'cha doing Rodriguez?"
I grabbed her soda and took a quick chug
"Sorry mamas but I was thirsty"

She sighed and took her soda back I ran back and got back into the game every now and than I would look at her I am still shocked that's she is so pretty

Once the game had ended and we won I got my bag and walked over to Noah and saw her standing and smiling at me quickly running over I hugged her

"Get off me Ben your all sweaty"
"But you smell nice"
I whispered
"Get a room Benny man"
"Yeah yeah we are gonna puke looking at all of this love"
I sighed and look at the guys

"Noah this is yeah yeah, squints, Smalls, tommy, ham, DeNeauze, and Bertram" i said pointing to each guy
She nodded and said a quiet hello ham walked up and held out his hand

"Benny really likes you by the way-"
I hit him on the head dumbass she giggled Kenny noticed her hoodie

"Benny man is that your hoodie?"
"Oh ya gave it to her a while back in return she gave me a scrunchie"
He wiggled his eyebrow at me
But I flipped him off. The bell had rang and we where walking to class when Noah was pulled back

I look and saw Brenda oh no

I saw hat Noah was on the ground and I rushed to her to help but Brenda stopped me putting her hand around my neck and leaning in. I pushed her off and helped Noah

"Hey slut you know do t break Bennys heart to then he will leave you like your mom a dad"
Brenda said Noah looked like she could kill someone I walked up to Brenda and said

"At least I don't have a boy toy every other week like you"
Brenda now looked pissed this is when shit went down hill.

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