Falling Apart

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Carl's POV

I was dreading every minute I wasn't with Bailey, I wanted to go but I thought a break from each other would be beneficial.. boy was I wrong. I couldn't stop thinking about her the moment she left. I was only hoping that she was thinking of me too, and most importantly that she was safe.

Bailey's POV

I had nothing else on my mind but the fact that Noah kissed me on the cheek and that Carl would probably kill him for it. I know there were more important things to worry about like getting Beth and Carol back.. but whoa.

"What'd Sasha say she was going to do?" Noah asked me while I reloaded my gun. The thought of Sasha being gone with Lamson had completely slipped my mind and now I was worried.

Noah and I got up with our guns and ran upstairs yelling her name, only loud enough so she'd hear.

Noah shoved open the door on the last level of our hideout and Sasha was lying face down on the floor.

"Oh god Sasha!" I said and ran to her side lifting her up slowly.

"Sasha, Sasha" I shook her slightly because I didn't know how bad she was hurt and I was scared out of my mind.

"Go downstairs and get me a wet rag, please Noah!" I told him and he nodded going down.

She was slowly starting to regain consciousness again, and I was so damn happy.

"Are you okay? Sasha what happened?" I asked her, and she held the side of her face in pain.

"Lamson slammed me into that window while I had my back to him, I'm okay we need to find him though" She told me, putting her hand out for me to help her up.

"We're not going any where till the others get back, you could have a concussion.. luckily you don't need stitches." I told her, examining her bloody forehead.

"Who taught you that?" She asked, with a smile slowly inching it's way onto her lips.

"Carol." I cracked a smile too. The thought that I was seeing her today, hopefully was overwhelmingly great. I was glad to see Beth too, she wasn't my age but she was closer to it than any of the others besides Carl.


Once the others had gotten back and Sasha told them everything, Rick was absolutely determined to get Lamson back. Lamson could ruin everything and whined up getting us all killed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tyreese was so anxious to know if Sasha was actually okay or just saying that because he knew she didn't like him to worry so much.
"I swear I'm fine, he could've done way worse." She said, tossing the rag to the side.

"The hell is he doing out of them ties?!" Daryl gripped about Noah, coming back upstairs from getting us all water.

"I took them off of him." I told daryl and he got in my personal space, but that was just something he did when he needed to talk to you.

"Why would you?" he asked pointing at me.

"He's not one of them, Daryl! He's not the bad guy!" I gripped back at him.

"He was pointing a gun at you! Don't tell me that bull, bailey!" Daryl said, raising his voice even more at me.

I understood where Daryl was coming from completely, but Noah wasn't bad. Daryl will always care about me like he does Beth and Carol which is such a strong caring. Stronger than most.

Noah merely stood there, not wanting to mess with Daryl because he knew how scary Daryl was and how he could get.

Rick had finally came back, stopping mine and Daryl's conversation.

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