Chapter 26

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7 months later...

I had waited it out a lot longer than I had thought I would. After the horde had cleared out, I got scared that it would only be a matter of time before I found another. So I stayed in the house I was in and made it my home for the next few months. That was so much easier for me than having to fight off horde after horde. In those months, I taught myself how to do things. With the many books that were in the room, I had managed to read them all. Some were hunting manuals in which I learned how to tie multiple knots, how to skin animals and how to set up traps for said animals. In 7 months, I learned how to survive on my own. I had been here long enough and needed to start the search for my family again. I had avoided that search long enough. I was much more knowledgeable now than I was before I got here. And I was more confident as well. The seasons were changing and the nights got cooler. I was glad I had my dad's jacket with me. That and the blankets that were left in the room. They saved me from getting sick. I was getting my things in order before I took off. There was a map that I had found in the living room that I took to look over. I decided to head north. It was the best play seeing as I knew what the south had to offer. That and I hoped Rick would lead the rest north as well. He was smart enough to think about that.

With my things packed, I headed out. Following a trail I had made, I got further away from where I had started. After a few hours of walking, I decided to rest for a bit. It was another hot one and my water supply was running extremely low. I was gonna have to find more somewhere. I didn't want to die of dehydration. As I sat on a rock and took a couple of sips of water, I heard the sound of water flowing. I sat up straighter and listened more closely. If there was a stream nearby, that would be the best thing in the world. I grabbed my things and followed the sound. It got louder as I got closer and couldn't help but smile. The trees had started to part until they opened up to reveal a small creek.

"Thank you," I said.

I knelt down, and took out a rag I had in my pack. I picked up some sand and placed it on the rag. Pulling out an empty water bottle, I used the rag to scoop up some water and held it over the opening. A self-made filter was another thing I had learned from the books I read. When I had filled up two bottles, I agreed that that would hold me for a while. I stood up and placed the bottles back in my pack. As I turned to head back into the trees, a man appeared with a gun in his hand.

"Well hello there, sweetness. You all on your own?" he asked.

I backed away and turned to head in another direction when another man appear.

"I don't want any trouble," I said.

"Believe me neither do we. Where are you heading? If you don't mind us asking," the first man said.

"I was just passing through," I said.

"Well, you clearly have a place in mind if you were just passing through. Come on. Tell us where and we'll get you there," he said.

"Merle," another man said coming out of the trees.

"Can you stop being an asshole for two seconds?" he asked.

"Oh come on, sir. She knew I was just messing with her. Ain't that right, darlin'?" the man named Merle said.

"Miss? Is there someplace that you need to get to? Or a place where you call home," the man asked.

I didn't trust either one of these men one bit.

" The last place I was in, got overrun," I lied.

"And where is that?" he asked.

This son of a bitch was a great actor, I'd give him that.

"A few miles back. A house I was occupying for a while," I said.

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