Chapter 0.6

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Iruka never understood what the Third Hokage was thinking. The man was just as shrouded in shadows as his title suggested. As the leader of the Hidden Leaf, it was understandable that not all of his decisions could be understood. More often than not, the people those decisions included were left with feelings of resentment. It's been 4 years now since Iruka was made the instructor of Naruto Uzumaki.

When he was first told this all reason flew out the window. He can't remember what he said, only that the Third Hokage listened despite his blatant rudeness. When he finished there was a sort of shame burning within him as painfully as his raw throat. The Third Hokage simply nodded in understanding but refused to recede.

Iruka detested his position. How could he fairly carry his responsibilities when he had to watch the creature that killed his parents all those nights ago. Deep inside resided a demonic existence that was sealed within Naruto. In hushed whispers, it was called the Nine-Tailed Beast - an ancient creature of immeasurable power. No one knew what its purpose was, only that it possessed a power that left destruction in its path.

Every time he looked at the boy, he would see the faces of his parents just before they died. He knew it wasn't Naruto's fault - that it was wrong to place his blame on an innocent child. But he couldn't stop the feelings of rage whenever he was held responsible for him.

Disgust, guilt, hatred - all of these negative emotions thrived in Iruka's heart. There were plenty of more qualified individuals that could've filled his spot. This job was too personal. By teaching Naruto it felt like he was teaching his parents' killer; by treating him like the monster the village saw him as he felt ashamed.

Iruka agonized over what he was going to do. Today he went too far. He yelled at Naruto more than he would've with the other children in the class. He had played a harmless prank on some kids. Rather than listening carefully to his reason for doing so, he immediately began degrading him and scolding him like he was a criminal. Naruto had snapped then disappeared. The boy didn't show up to class either.

There was no way Iruka could face him as his teacher. That privilege was forfeited the moment he let his own personal feelings guide his judgment.

If the Hokage refused to take his resignation willingly then he would need to quit on his own accord. He released a heavy breath. 'It doesn't matter. I'm going to resign with or without the Third Hokage's blessing. I've decided.'

"Hey, that's my special seat." Iruka shot out of the bench to find a man with silver hair sitting in the trees. He was reading some book. "If everyone was to take a deep breath this close to me, I'd be interested and wouldn't be able to focus on my book, would I?"

"O-Oh. I'm sorry. I'll go somewhere else."

The man jumped in front of him. "No, wait. I was just about to leave." He snapped his book shut. "See you around."

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