15 | Computer

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You tapped on the desk of your uncle's office, as the computer switched on. Time seemed to go so slowly as the screen brightened up, asking you for a password. I should've known.

As you bit your lip, something under the desk caught your eye. A briefcase. If you remembered right, it shared an uncanny resemblance with the one your uncle had handed to that stranger at the train station.

You went down on your knees and examined it. You ran a finger on its lock. Unlike the dusty books under the table, the silver briefcase looked pristine. Uncomfortably pristine.

As you heard someone swing the door open, you held your breath. You curled up your knees, making yourself as small as possible. You heard him give a few steps towards you, so you quietly unplugged the computer's cable, forcing the computer to shut down. Your uncle's mobile phone rang. You listened in for anything suspicious, though he did not say much. He then gave out a couple of vicious coughs before leaving his office and locking you in.

There was a small window which could serve as an exit. Though you knew you only had a limited amount of time before your father and uncle started worrying about your whereabouts. Especially because of how on edge your dad seemed to be since the USJ incident.

You scanned the room for clues, both for the computer's password and the 4-digit passcode on the briefcase. You gulped as you caught sight of a picture of your family on one of the bookshelves, feeling almost as a traitor for not trusting your uncle. Having grown up in a caring environment, you struggled to believe that he would ever mean any harm to you.

However, as you eyed last month's calendar hung on the wall, Todoroki's words resounded in your ears.

Not everyone who pays you a favour is a friend.

You flicked through the calendar back to December. Nothing stood out to you in particular, but for the faint pencil markings on that fateful day - the day of your father's accident.

Suddenly, you heard your dad call your name. He wanted you to have dinner with him. He was still in bed, having regained little mobility so far. You studied the window in the corner of the room. Yes, it was wide enough for your frame. As you slid down the wall, you realised that you should have probably cleaned your fingerprints off the briefcase.


Having been paired up to fight one-on-one against Midoriya during the hero training exercise, you dug you nails into your palms, leaving some marks which evidenced your vexation at the freckled boy.

As the rest of the class gathered around the two of you, Bakugo narrowed his eyes. Bakugo glared at Midoriya and you, reading himself to bark out a few insults to snap Midoriya out of his anxious state, or at least to make his obnoxious muttering stop. 

Neither of you were giving it your all, so what was the point?

Not that he cared, of course. But it was so pitiful to see the pair of you just stand there. Until, that was, he noticed you tense up and take on such a determined stance.

You stomped on the clay as you brought your fist in front of you. "Just take me seriously, okay, Deku? Is that too much to ask?" You caught up your breath before added, "I'm sure I can rival you, so knock yourself out trying, okay?"

You lunged towards Midoriya to get a hold of him, but he stepped to the side, and began circling you in an attempt to confuse you. At least, he thought this would make it harder for you to catch him until he could work out a better plan.

Closing your eyes shut, you forced yourself to identify Midoriya's presence, which became harder as more of your classmates surrounded the arena you were standing on.

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