The tragic tour

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Y/n's POV

Last week was my birthday so my best friend gave me meet and greet pass of Shawn Mendes the tour. There were 5 passes so the number of people going were Maggie,Rishikaa,Sap,Saukhy and I we all were so excited that we were not able to sleep for past 2 days.

The Day arrived.....

We left our houses and met at the arena. "OMG!!!ARE you all excited?" Maggie exclaimed we all shouted "YES!!". WE all entered the arena. That positive energy all around was hitting us, we all were pumped up. We all we're waiting in the line and Shawn's team announced that all the tour members were gonna be there to meet us and also Shawn was gonna meet us one more time. We all lost our shit all the girls shouted out there and and we we're so happy.

Our Turn came....

We all went one bu one inside, soon my chance came I saw everyone Shawn, Connar,Mike, Zubin,Josiah and many more I was so happy I started crying and Shawn came near me and consoled me and said "Don't cry honey!" I was out of words, then i started meeting all other members and from the corner of my I can see Shawn checking me out I saw that and I blushed but I also remembered that Shawn was dating Camila my heart started to Race but I ignored him. When we all were clicking pics I saw that Shawn was annoyed because I was spending more time talking to Connar so when I stood in between Shawn and Connar, Shawn pulled me closer to me by pulling to his side by pulling my waist I felt good but I realised that Camila is getting ditched and I can feel that Connar was continuously texting someone but I was not able to see for some reasons. We finished and Shawn pulled and said "Hey hunny I want to give you something ." I melted the way he said hunny he gave me his number I was so shocked he said 

"Listen up Y/n right?I'm trusting you on my phone number don't leak my number I'll meet you after the Q and A and also you area beautiful!" I was confused and I said "Ok I won't let it out I'll meet you" I thought as a friend he wanted to meet me so I steeped out and I met my friend they asked me what took you so long? I faked a smile and said "Nothing we all had a great time in there so we all forgot to check the time" We all started walking as we all were hungry we started searching for some food spots in the arena and I was still wondering is Shawn cheating on Camila why did he got close to me so much? Why he wanted to meet me? We all got spreated in groups it was Me; Maggie and Rishikaa we all were together and the 2 were together. We got lost in The arena and we reached the main stadium and it was amazing it was a quite but peaceful we all were mesmerizing that moment until some voices interrupted us we all got shocked they were coming from the green room near the stage we went there as we thought it must be something serious. As we reached there we were actually eavesdropping on the door. We heard voices a lady screaming in a screeching voice and she kinda sounded like Camila she shouted "HOW THE FCUK  CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME SHAWN!!!! HOW CAN YOU CHEAT ON ME?? HOW DARE YOU"we all got scared and lost our shit, then Shawn shouted "HOW CAN YOU PUT WRONG ALLEGATIONS ON ME AND HOW CAN YOU PROVE THAT I'M CHEATING ON YOU!!!" then Camila said " I SAW THAT YOU WERE GETTING CLOSE WITH THAT GIRL AND YOU SLIPPED HER YOUR NUMBER!!" Shawn shut his mouth for some minutes and I collapsed on the ground Maggie and Rishikaa exclaimed "Y/N!!" Tey both sat down and I was crying cuz I Know the truth they asked me what happened? I said in a shaking voice "They both are fighting because of me!" They both were shocked "Shawn gave me his number!" Then suddenly Shawn started "Yes I gave her my number cuz she's not like you bitch!! You are cheating on me!! With that Connar in the whole Q and A I saw that and I completely broke down but I was in a middle of Q and A that is why I was not able to do anything. I respect my fans more than anyone else and you know what BITCH!! I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU AND DON'T SHOW ME YOUR FACE EVER AGAIN!! NOW GET OUT OF HERE! She picked her stuff and came out until she came out we hide ourselves in behind some seats and I was still crying. W all were shocked we moved out of there  and saw our other friends they all were shocked after listening to all of this they all gave me water and consoled me until we all ate something one of Shawn's crew came to me and said "Y/n, right?" I said Yes in  a shakey voice he took me to a room where Shawn was there we reached there and he said only Y/n can go in I nodded my head and went inside "He was crying his heart out sitting in the corner of the room I wiped my tears and pretended that I know nothing. I sat down near him and and said "Shawn what happened?" He said in a braking voice "I broke up with Camila" I pretended to be shock he explained me the whole situation and I was listening to it calmly after he finished he asked me "Y/n, will you be on my side?" I melted and gave hims a tight hug and said "Yes" he cried a lot and literally made my tee shirt wet after he finished I came out and I told everything to my friends and they consoled me. Shawn had already cancelled the second Q and A he came out and saw my friends they all came and said "Sorry" he said it's okay and I was already shivering because my tee shirt was wet Shawn saw that and Gave me tight hug I felt so god and then he told Jake to bring his hoodie I felt so good and he hugged me until the hoodie came I went into the room and changed in to his hoodie it felt so good. That's how the day ended and Shawn and I kept meeting each other and then we got married.


I hope you like it thanks for reading



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