celebrating the amazing news

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Request for Hannahanna21 hardywoman99 AmberBatterton

Everyone arrives at the house and Angel is grilling some burgers on the grill as pops arrives with his lady friend, your sister is helping you in the kitchen with the pasta salad and veggies as she can't believe your pregnant with her first nephew or niece, in a few months time, as EZ comes in to grab some of the veggies so Angel can grill some up, as you hand him the plate full of the veggies.

Your sister can't believe your pregnant, she is so excited for you to get bigger with the baby, she is totally going to spoil it when it arrives being the best auntie he or she can ask for, you walk out side to see pops with his lady friend as he ...

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Your sister can't believe your pregnant, she is so excited for you to get bigger with the baby, she is totally going to spoil it when it arrives being the best auntie he or she can ask for, you walk out side to see pops with his lady friend as he smiles and gets up and walks over to you and says "Shasta thank you for giving me my first grandchild" as you giggle at him "your welcome pops I know me and Angel haven't been together long but I do love your son very much and we are going to get married after I give birth" as he smiles at you.

Angel leaves EZ on the grill and comes over to you and pops, as he wraps his arm around you and kisses your cheek lightly "pops we are going to name the baby after mom if it's a girl" as pops smiles and EZ comes over with the plate full of burgers, and the veggies and says "it's ready guys" as you smile at EZ and Savannah brings the pasta salad out and says "dig in Everyone" as you laugh and everyone seats around the table. As you seat down and Angel seats down next to you as he kisses your cheek. As he wraps his arm around you as pops says Grace, as everyone makes their plates and digs in, as angel leans against you and mumbles into your ear "until we get married after the baby is born, dad is going to do a commitment ceremony" as you look at him and smile as he kisses your lips lightly. As Savannah pulls you in to the house, "so your going to be committed to him plus your having his baby, does that mean your going to be moving in here too? As you nod your head "yep in two weeks, we got to go charming this weekend for two reasons, first one is to look at a vehicle then go to Annabella Lucille and Willow funeral" as she smiles at you "yeah EZ is going to for the funeral, the Mayans need two members so Angel and EZ are going, I got to work Saturday morning on inventory or I would have went but your going that's good, did you talk to Quinn yet? As you nod your head "yep Early today before I find out about the baby, he is broken Savannah I knew he loved Annabella, and his daughters so he is in pain I don't see how someone can lose their wife, and daughter plus a unborn baby and not completely lose their minds, happy said he is holding up but not good and I could tell by his voice he is breaking down" as Savannah nods her head.

As you two walk back outside and Angel is talking to pops and EZ, and Angel let's EZ know if it's a girl you two are going to name her after mom, as EZ smiles and he can't believe Angel got you to name her after mom if it's the little girl, as EZ nods his head, and you all seat down at the table again and begin eating dinner, as coco says "we had a bet and I won I had a very good feeling Angel would be the first Reyes bit to have a baby, so I'm going to share the money with you and Angel for the little bean" as he Angel smiles "thanks man we ready appreciate it" as he says "everyone pops is going to do a commitment ceremony for me and Shasta before the baby is born, then we will have a real marriage ceremony down the road, plus in two weeks she will be moving in with me here and I need help moving her stuff in? As coco smiles at you "I'm in and I know Taza and Gilly will help too" as Angel nods his head, "thanks Coco we really appreciate your help" as coco smiles at you two.

As Angel smiles at you and kisses your forehead lightly, and rubs your belly, as you giggle and says "I love you and our baby very much and I can't wait to meet you little bean in a few months" as you smile and rub your belly too and you look at Angel, "I love you and our baby Bean very much and I can't wait to meet you too in a few months time" as he kisses your cheek, and you dig into your pasta salad, as he smiles at you and keeps one hand on your belly and eats his hamburger, as everyone is having a good time, as Angel laughs at EZ and Savannah who are holding hands, as he loves his baby brother and he is happy EZ is happy again after the situation with Emily before he went to Jail, Emily was his first love and when he went off to Jail she jumped into bed with their half brother, as he sees EZ and Savannah getting married and having some kids too down the road, you two are going in a different direction but in the end you two will be married and have your babies, but has of right now you are pregnant, you two will move in and have a commitment ceremony have your guys baby then get married official. As angel leans over and kisses your lips lightly as he rubs your belly and then works his hand lower and rubs you through your underwear just to tease you just a bit before pulling his hand away and gets up and goes to grab him a beer in the kitchen as you giggle and getting up your self and goes inside to have a little fun with him.

To be continued in a few days!!!!

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