Our Child ~ NemotoDeku/ChronoDeku

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Ship : NemotoDeku/ChronoDeku

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Izuku stretched out her arms high in the air, lessening the stiffness in her shoulders as she made her way toward the gate of the yakuza property. She unlocked the gate before pushing it open wide, revealing the outside world.

Izuku inhaled the fresh air of the cool, breezy morning. She exhaled the air, feeling less sleepy and much more energetic. She looked around the still quiet streets of the neighborhood. Only a little number of people used this street in early morning, mostly jogging around this area.

Another fine morning!

At least that was what the teenage girl thought.

A dog was rummaging through the trash can nearby when it suddenly barked furiously at something. This unusual occurrence alerted Izuku. She swifrky resorted to action- skidding toward the dog.

The brown dog was staring at a beautifully-decorated basket, milky white blanket covering it content. Sweats rolled down the side of her head. Somehow, Izuku had a disturbed feeling in her stomach.

Why would people throw such a beautiful basket?

Izuku reached out her hands to pick up the basket. But a baby's cry halted her action. Her jade green eyes flew open from shock, panickally backing away from the peach-coloured basket.

The cries of the baby in the basket wrenched Izuku's heart. She shakily stepped forward again, taking a closer look of the infant.

Her heart clenched when the greenette saw the cute face of the baby. Tears were trickling down her reddened-face, crying loudly in hunger.

.... What kind of mother threw away her child near a trash can?! Not to mention, in this cold weather! This is going overboard!

Izuku gritted her teeth in anger, clenching her fist firmly. Picking up the innocent little one from the basket, she rocked the baby in her arms. She studied the small human being she was holding. A new foreign feeling began to sprout in her heart.

A motherly love.

Izuku... Had never felt this way before. The pooling warm in her heart, the joy she sensed when she hold the growing child in her arms. These new feelings... Were beautiful.

"I can't leave you here... Let's go inside and warm you up. I need to tell Grandpa about you..."

Grabbing the basket - containing many baby's necessities - she then headed inside her house again.

Fem!Izuku X Shie Hassaikai OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now