Part 23: the 'experiment'

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I walk to Hiccups house just to see how he was doing with his little "invention". I knock before I walk in and I see Astrid sitting there next to him on his desk. I smile as Astrid waves at me.
-Hey, I say and walk up to them. Hiccup looks up at me.
-Hi! Look! I've come so far on this! He says and shows me something that looks like armor for your arm.
-What... exactly is it? I say, but smile at him none the less. Hiccup makes an 'aha!' Face and points his hand up in the air.
-Right! He says and stands up, grabbing the thing.
-This, he says and locks it onto my forearm.
-Is arm-armor! He says.
-Great! I say and look at the familiar d/n scales.
-What is it supposed to do? I then ask. He makes another "aha" face.
-Let's say, you're being attacked. And your dragon is trying to save you by blasting fire everywhere. Well, you're in luck! You can walk straight though the fire, because your dragon- is quite literally protecting you! Hiccup says happily. I nod and smirk.
-Sounds neat! I say.
-Now we just need to test it! Hiccup says and motions towards his fireplace. I look at him.
-What exactly do you want me to do? I ask cautiously.
-You just stick your arm over the fireplace for a couple of seconds! Easy-peasy! He says. I slowly walk over to the fire place.
-Over the fireplace? I ask and walk a bit closer.
-Yep! Hiccup confirms.
-For a couple of seconds? I ask and look into the flames.
-Just a couple of seconds, you won't even feel it! He says enthusiastically. I stare into the flames.
-Aaaa, Hiccup, I'm not so sure that this is a good idea, I say and back away from the fire, my heart speeding up anxiously.
-Come on! Just a couple of seconds! He says.
-Hiccup, it's not exactly safe, I say and eye Astrid over his shoulder.
-Please? I just need to see if it works! He says.
-And what if it doesn't? I ask, starting to feel absolutely terrified.
-Then next time, I'll get Snotlout to do it, he says. I sigh.
-C'mon Y/N... I'll count to ten, and then it's done! You're done! He says.
-Ten seconds? I ask. Hiccup only nods. I take a deep breath.
-Alright, I say and close my eyes.
-Now, I say and throw my arm into the fire. I feel it burning my hand slowly.
-...9, 10! Astrid says and I quickly pull my hand out of the fire. I open my eyes and feel my hand burning slightly, as well as the skin right behind the armor. I look at my skin and see that it's all red. Hiccup winces and carefully takes the armor off. The skin underneath is untouched and I have harsh, red lines where the fire touched my skin. I groan as Astrid tries to touch it.
-Sorry... she whispers.
-Oh my... Y/N, I'm-I'm sorry! I didn't think about the-the.... gods, I'm so sorry! Hiccup apologizes. Tears prick at my eyes as I try to move my fingers.
-It's alright hiccup... I say and smile sadly.
-Remember to make gloves to the next test, yeah? I ask.
-Yeah.... oh yeah! It worked! It worked! Haha! He says happily and hugs me.
-This is-this-wow! He says and hugs Astrid.
-Babe...She says but he won't stop cradling her.
-Babe! she says, and he stops. I raise my eyebrow.
-... I'm gonna go help Y/N now, she says and peels away from him.
-Oh, yeah, yeah... that's a good idea! He says and Astrid pats my shoulder as I turn for the door.
-Take care! Hope it gets better! Hiccup shouts after us as Astrid opens the door for me and we walk outside.

-How is it? Astrid asks as she leads me home.
-It burns... and stings. I think I need something, to heal it, I say as we walk past the gang. Snotlout notices me first.
-Hey Y/N! He shouts. Then he notices my red arm.
-What happened? Did Eret do that!? He then starts to get angry.
-What? No! Hiccup made an experiment which included my arm and some fire, I say. Snotlout groans and turns on his heel.
-That does not look good! Fishlegs says.
-Maybe put some salt on it and I think it would be a meal! Tuffnut says and the twins laugh. I glare at them, making them stop immediately. Fishlegs walk up to me and studies my arm.
-Does it sting? He asks and poke a finger, making me hiss.
-Yes, I say though gritted teeth.
-Hey! Watch it! Snotlout says.
-I think some Aloe Vera plant would help ease the pain. Your backyard is full of it! Right behind the river, Fishlegs says.
-Great! Thanks, I say as Astrid and I move along home.

-God... I just hope Eret doesn't see me, I laugh awkwardly. Astrid smirks.
-And why's that? She asks as we walk past his house.
-Because I think he will go into overprotective boyfriend mode if he sees this, I say and motion to my arm.
-Wait... boyfriend? Astrid asks and stops.
-Yeah, I say.
-W-why didn't you tell me. I roll my eyes and open the front door.
-Can't a girl keep any secrets? I ask as I walk right through the house and out the back door.
-Yes, but this isn't just something you 'keep secret' Y/N! She insists and walks after me.
-This is something you need to share! She insists as I spot the green plant on the other side of the river.
-You came to me when you first noticed your crush! You need to keep me updated! She says and I swiftly jump over the small river.
-I need to know what's happening at all times! Astrid laughs as she watches me pull out a stem from the plant and turn around.
-You know now, I say and jump back over the river. Astrid crosses her arms and pouts like a baby.
-C'mon, help me with this before my arm falls off, I say and walk back inside.

Eret, son of Eret x reader; Love always start in fight Where stories live. Discover now