Ruby's Burden

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Y/n p.o.v
As light from the sun hit my eyes I groaned not wanting to be woken up and so I turn to my right to block the sun from my view. But then someone began to knock on my door I slowly raised myself from my bed and walked toward the door. And when I opened it Ruby was there wearing her school uniform she greeted me and said good morning. I just nod still tired and asked why she was here.

Y/n:what are you doing at my door Ruby? .

Ruby:I'm just here to wake you up.I mean Ozpin did say that my team and I are responsible for you.

Y/n:yeah I guess your right. Anyways thanks Ruby and you better wake your team up next.

Ruby:I will.

And as Ruby said that she ran to her dorm ready to wake her teammates. I watched her slowly reach her dorm and close my door. I scratch the back of my head and summon my engine blade. I placed it on the desk and walked into the bathroom and got ready for the day.


Weiss p.o.v
I sighed frustratedly as we ran the fastest we could to our class. I can't believe that we wasted so much time decorating our room. My attention was then pulled to our classroom door and we all began to sprint faster and once we entered the room we all fell onto the ground one by one. I looked up and groaned feeling Ruby falling on top of me and she quickly gets off me while apologizing. I sigh and Professor Port tells us to get into our seats and we do as we're told. I looked at all the seats and see the row where y/n was sitting in. He was staring outside at the sun with a hand holding his head up. After seeing him I walked up to his row and Ruby, Yang, and Blake follow me. And when I sat next to him he turned to me and said.

Y/n:rough morning snow angel.

Weiss:stop calling me that and yes I did have a troublesome morning. And stop talking class is about to start.

Y/n:ok but I'm gonna assure you that this lesson will be boring.

Weiss:and why is that.

Y/n:simple all classes are boring unless it has some sort of physical of activity in it.

Professor port: Fall and Schnee please silence yourselves the lesson is about to begin.

Y/n:yes sir.

After Professor Port told us to be quiet y/n stopped talking to me and stared at the clouds through the window. I looked at the birds that seemingly came out of no where and watched as one hit the window. This surprised everybody while I just stared at it slowly fall off the window and onto the ground. And in my opinion this seemed better than the lesson itself. After I while I turned my attention back to the classroom and see Ruby doing silly things out of boredom. Blake and Yang chuckled at her antics while Weiss just looked annoyed by it. Professor Port began to ask which one of us would be a future huntsman in the making and Weiss quickly raises her hand still annoyed at Ruby.

Weiss p.o.v
As I rose my hand Professor Port chuckled and said "we shall see." And told me to get into my combat outfit and I walked out of the row while my team told me some encouraging words even y/n himself gave me words of encouragement.


Weiss p.o.v
I now stood in front of the class in front of a cage that had growling noises coming out of it. Ruby, Blake, Yang, and y/n were still encouraging me. Blake was holding a flag with our team name on it Yang told me to support our team y/n just took out a piece of paper and wrote "go Weiss" on it and then raised it. And Ruby told me to represent them and I yelled at her to be quiet trying to stay focus on the cage in front of me. After I said that she became quiet and looked sad a little bit but my thoughts were interrupted by Professor Port opening the cage. And as the door fell a boarbatusk ran out straight towards me and I quickly spin to my left while slashing the borbatusk with my weapon. As I looked at the Grimm it seemed to not be affected by it at all I summoned a glyph and as it charged toward me I used the glyph to charge myself toward it. Only to get my rapier stuck in its horns I struggled to pull it out and soon lost my grip on it making it fly behind the Grimm. It charged at me again and I quickly roll toward my weapon and grabbed it ready to strike but Ruby tells me to aim for its stomach and I turn to her telling her to stop telling me what to do. And once I did I used a glyph to knock the Grimm on to its back and use another glyph to help me stab through its stomach. And as I did the bell rang and I began to breath heavily tired from slaying the Grimm. I looked toward Ruby and glare at her and walk out of the classroom and as I walked away from the classroom Ruby caught up to me and asked me what was wrong with me.And then I begin to explain what was wrong with me.

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