Chapter 119: Longing Chulian

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"You are....?" Yun Ren Xie blinked her eyes, she is really clueless why a man is staying inside Crown Prince Ye's Mansion. Moreover, his voice is familiar to her, something she have'nt heard for a long time already.

The man who is holding her, knitted his brows. His pair of golden iris stared at Chulian's blank red eyes. He waved his hand in front of her face but seeing no reaction to the girl, the man came to a conclusion. He have guessed right!

"This humble one is Jiang Yi Huai. Perhaps Miss Chulian is lost?" he asked, letting go of her slowly.

"Apology Sir Jiang! This girl is just curious of the song, Im sorry for trespassing!" she wanted to bow to show her sincerity but Jiang Yi Huai stopped her.

He smiled gently, this man have the bearing of a deity with a carefree aura. Even though Yun Ren Xie cant see him, she felt the wave of calmness into her.

"That is fine. Crown Prince sent me here to cure Miss Chulian's injury."

"Ha?" Yun Ren Xie thought she have heard wrong. This Jiang Yi Huai is here to cure her? It was almost impossible! She have racked through Chulian's memories and found out numerous doctors have tried giving her a new eyesight but none of them can. For five years, Chulian is under medications, but Zihui have lost hope and stopped bothering imperial physicians.

Just who is this Jiang Yi Huai? How come Yun Ren Xie can feel his confidence? Is he really that capable? What's more, he sounds rather young.

"Crown Prince.... Didnt told you yet?" Jiang Yi Huai was puzzled, he never thought Zihui is that forgetful. The girl he is about to treat is now in front of him, clueless at what Zihui did.

He wanted to cry for the sufferings Xiang Zihui have done just to force him heal Chulian's blindness. Jiang Yi Huai is certain he can cure her but something rather mystical must also be applied and he have'nt found it yet so maybe, the crown prince can? He sighed, Zihui never paid him any visits the past few days so he cant tell him the main problem.

"Brother Zihui didnt. Sir Jiang can cure me?" she asked, a smile plastered on her small face.


"No joking? Those old physicians who called themselves divine doctors were quack. They tried healing my blindness but none of them succeeded, I hope Sir Jiang isnt placing false hope?"

Jiang Yi Huai chuckled. "Your still the same."

"Hm?" Yun Ren Xie muttered, she thought Jiang Yi Huai said something.

"Miss Chulian doesnt need to worry. This humble doctor wont place false hope, I might mention as well, it'll only take weeks of medication."

"Oh. Many thanks! Uhm.... Sir Jiang? Can you play a song? This girl finds it comforting." Yun Ren Xie said honestly, she craved for song like what she did in the other worlds. Now that she cant see, playing a zither is certainly hard, a flute is easy for her but she liked how beautiful Jiang Yi Huai played each song.

"Certainly, have a sit. Miss Chulian, there are no need for formalities." he soflty answered as he reached out his sleeves for the girl to hold on to, Jiang Yi Huai still mind proper etiquette between a man and a woman. "Miss Chulian can call me Brother Haui."

"Will do! Then Brother Huai should call me Ah Lian."

Yun Ren Xie tugged at his sleeve and followed him, she soon found a spot to sit. The layer of fabric she is holding started to depart, Jiang Yi Huai went distant as he could afterall, what if this Miss Chulian will be Xiang Zihui's future concubine?

He played a song of a happy town that lifted Yun Ren Xie's mood, she listened to it heartily when her eyes started to droop. Just as Jiang Yi Huai ended his song, he glanced at his guest. It was unexpected she fell asleep, what's more, he is a man. Isnt she afraid he will take advantage of her?

"Ah, right. Zihui have mentioned she suffered a head injury at her tenth age. Zhao Chulian, your way of thinking must be same as a child." he shakes his head, Jiang Yi Huai flicked his sleeve and a shadow guard appeared behind him. "Go call His Highness, tell him he should retrieve his Little Wangfei."

[Author Li: Some readers musnt know what Wangfei is but it means Wife]

On the other side, Zihui is about to return in his estate after managing the barracks when he was called by his brother, the Emperor Yu.

"Zi'er, last month you set the house of Minister Fu into fire, now you beheaded Scholar Liu indirectly. With all years, you think Zhen have'nt found out you are the one behind my officials' downfall? Isnt this crossing over the line?" Emperor Yu helplessly looked at his younger brother, he have never expected Zihui to cause a rift in his imperial cabinet.

"Im removing weeds in the palace. Is it not good?" Xiang Zihui said without any emotions, as if he isnt part of each officials distress. Hmph, they dare set this prince up with underhand measures just to have my support? Have those old bag of bones forgotten my authority as a prince? "Brother Emperor, they deserve it."

"Xiang Zihui, all of them wanted to make connections with you for almost seven years already since Zhen have edicted you as a crown prince! Naturally, they will use their daughters as the ladder." he lamented inside his head, Emperor Yu have other meanings with his words.

In an instant, Xiang Zihui's face turned dark. Does this Emperor meant to say it was his fault? All of the daughters each officials has are rather opposite on what they boasted! What talented young miss? What enchanting beauty? They were all the same, having one goal in mind and it was to sleep with him! Say, wont he, Xiang Zihui, be disgusted at them? He have been lenient enough towards others, only digging their hidden secrets and uprooting their wealth yet they still dare seek death? Xiang Zihui have no choice but to show them his fierce side in order to make them shut up.

"Speaking of it, you must find a proper princess consort already! Those at your age have three wives and four concubines, why are you too dense on this matter?" Emperor Yu stroked his beard, he purposely brought the topic to match his younger brother to a decent young girl in order to decrease the deaths of his subjects. Even though Xiang Zihui have been brutal and cold since young, Emperor Yu trusted him, he even made Xiang Zihui the crown prince since he is capable to be a ruler! Zihui's strict way can tame the old scholars, his tactical schemes are enough to convince military officials.

"You want me to marry?" Zihui asked, he was calm and kept his royalty aura around him. He have been trying to tell this to his brother, Emperor Yu that he wants to bring in a princess consort however, Xiang Zihui have been quite busy, running matters at hand.

"Exactly. Zhen wont force you over another young miss if you can propose a rightful candidate." Emperor Yu smiled, so the rumour is really true!

"Then, I would like to marry Young Miss Yu Heng from Minister Yu."

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