Chapter 1: Childhood

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A dark shadow was cast over the ground by the pale moonlight as the jungle canopy gently swayed in the breeze. An ominous beat from a distant drum sounds throughout the trees.

Fear. Treachery. Bloodlust...

A small rabbit with dark green curly fur and wide attentive green eyes hopped through the forest. Ears swiveling, listening to every little brush of a leaf and cricket chirp.

Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world!

The rabbit darted around lightly, sitting back on his haunches every once in a while, to scope out the bushes that were not unlike his unruly fur.

A world where prey were scared of predators.

The rabbit cautiously leaned down towards a puddle of water that had collected and began to drink, observant eyes darting around every so often.

And predators had an uncontrollable biological urge to maim...

A large tiger poked his head out of the bushes, eyes narrowed on the small creature drinking from the tiny pond.

and maul...

The rabbit, unaware of the imminent danger, continued to drink from the pond still vigilantly glancing around.


The rabbit whipped its head around to see the predator pouncing out of the bushes with a roar. Large fake claws scratched at the bunny as the tiger boy roared. The rabbit let out a yell and fell to the stage floor, close to the blue construction paper that represented the small puddle. "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!" He said dramatically, pulling out a red ribbon stuffed in the front pocket of his leotard. He made choking noises as he scooted over to grab a ketchup bottle behind a cutout plant. He quickly placed it under his arm and squeezed, convulsing twice, still making choking noises as the red substance squirted out of the bottle and all over the boy's chest.

"And death!"

He said fainting dramatically before doing one more spasm, squeezing more of the ketchup out. An Astrex rabbit with short curly dark brown fur stared open-mouthed as he recorded the play. Next to him stood a holland lop rabbit with long green fur and round green eyes. She sighed as she placed her face in her paws at the display of her son's dramatics. A bobcat doing sound effects banged the timpani even louder before stopping.

"Back then, the world was divided in two. Vicious predator-" The bunny, Izuku, said gesturing towards the Jaguar in the tiger leotard who hissed, baring his fangs and raising his claws at the audience gathered. "-Or Meek prey." He said, clasping his hands together and making a sad innocent look as two boxes lowered from the ceiling. One labeled vicious Predator and the other Meek Prey encapsulated the two boys, Izuku reaching out to grab the ribbon blood before the box was entirely lowered. The bobcat continued with more mysterious sound effects with mallets against the strings of a piano

"But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond our primitive savage ways," Izuku said as a black sheep danced across the stage wearing a rainbow headpiece and a white robe, throwing petals between the two boxes. The sheep bowed and backed up, lifting her hands, the boxes rising with her movements. "Now, predator and prey live in harmony!" Izuku said, neither of them in their leotards, instead both are now wearing the same white robes as the sheep. Izuku and the jaguar hold hands as the sheep sets off a party popper, confetti and glitter falling behind them. "And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities..." He smiled pointing a finger in the air nobly, glancing over at the sheep.

The sheep rocked back and forth on her hooves as she began her line, "Yeah, I don't have to cower in a herd anymore." She rips off the white robe and hat revealing a home-made astronaut costume beneath it, "Instead, I can be an astronaut!" She said placing a large helmet over her head as the bobcat used a slide whistle to make a mysterious alien noise.

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