"What is he to me?"

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"So y'all are gonna talk to this sweet honey here and not introduce us?! Damn that's cold y'all." A tall light skin with fluffy looking hair said to us with a hand over his heart acting over drama about this whole situation.

The boys started apologizing and I a was laughing but I was trying my best to contain it. And guess what I failed so I just started laughing even harder. Mikey and Bronny looked at me confused but Dior just started laughing with me and it made it worse for me. "Dior... stop... your not making this any easier... for me right now." I said to him in between laughs. He started to chill out and so did I, after a few more seconds I regained my composure.

"Okay so let's do introductions." I stated plainly looking at Mikey and Bronny. The nodded in agreement and called the boys they were playing with over. "This is LaMelo" Bronny said standing next to the tall, lanky light skin with fluffy hair. "This is Zaire" he said pointing to a dark skin with twist in his hair as he continued down the line. "And finally this is Kailen." He said pointing at another light skin with kinky curls.

"Yea I'm LaMelo but you can Melo or daddy." He said winking at me and I nervously laughed.

"Yea that ain't happening." Mikey and Dior said in unison.

"Welp uh... hey boys, I'm (Y/N) and I feel like I'm around some giants." I said introducing myself to them and we all started laughing.

-Time Skip-

It's been a few hours and night fall was approaching. I heard someone running towards and Dior heard it to so we both turned around to look and it was my bestie. She ran into the court out of breath.

"Hey sis you good? Why are you running?" I questioned her. The boys stoped what the were doing for a second to come greet her but Dior stopped them from coming closer.

"Your momma is looking for you. Something about an arranged marriage." (F/N) said after she caught her breath. The only thing I felt right now was anger, nah scratchy that I was pissed. What makes it worse is that this isn't the first time and I thought my dad and I made it clear that it wasn't happening.

"I'm not coming home until later then you can stay with me or go back home but I don't want to she my mother." I stated trying to regain my calm composure. I had love and respected my momma but I didn't like her. You can love someone and not like them. I tried for years to have get to know my momma so we could become close and have a strong relationship. Yet every time she would simply say 'I'm not your friend, will never be unless you learn or go through the struggle like me.' Basically not until I have kids and that was when I was 11. I never tried again I distanced myself from her after that.

"I'll head home then and save you some dinner if I can't I'll give you some of my snack stash." She said before leaving. I was getting ready to leave too and skate around but someone grabbed my wrist before I could.

Mikey was the one who grabbed my wrist and Dior was right beside him. "Aye what's wrong jhit?" Dior asked me and I faked the best smile I could muster with the energy I had left. "Nothing everything is cool." I responded with a happy tone. Mikey raised a brow at this and I could he wasn't buying it.

"Hey Dior bring me my stuff. I'm gonna walk her home." Mikey said looking at Dior but never letting go of my wrist. Dior brought him his stuff and I noticed that he had to change shoes so I could possible escape. "Dior hold her down so she can't leave." Mikey stated as if he had read my mind.

After he changed shoes he slipped on his backpack and grabbed my hand. I picked up my skates because I took them off earlier. At first we walked in silence until he broke it. "How are feeling?" He asked me, I could feel his eyes on me but I kept looking ahead. I finally responded "I'm fine, you don't have to walk me home." He gave me a hug and said "i know your hurting, your vibe is not the same." I was on the verge of tears when I hugged him back but I held them in because I hate crying around people. But I felt so tempted to because I felt safe, like my worries could disappear but I couldn't bring my self to. I finally hugged him back and a few tears fell down my face and he rubbed my back. After a good 6 minutes we started walking to my house. It was late like nine o'clock and I already knew there was a slim chance there was food left.

"Thanks Mikey..." I said looking at my socks as if they were fascinating. He grabbed my chin and raised my head up, we looked eyes, and we both had little smiles on our faces. "No problem" he said after our little staring contest and he kissed my forehead. I walked away and went up to my front door. I took a deep breath before knocking. My dad answered the door thankfully. He saw Mikey and waved at him giving him a little head nodded of gratitude. I hugged my dad and went to my room.

-Time Skip- 

After I showered and but my things away I went to the kitchen and checked the microwave and there was a plate of (F/F (fav food)). I warmed it up and ate alone in my room and watch demon slayer. After a "few" episodes it was midnight. I got up and took my trash to the kitchen and fortunately nobody was around so I didn't have to interact with anyone.

I climbed and bed and started to think. I'm fake, I came up with a fake persona to use around people so they wouldn't have to worry. I don't know where the real me is but I think she's lost or dead. Then my mind wander and I started to think about Mikey. "What is he to me?"

Word Count:1076
A/N: I finished early so I decided to update earlier. I might post another chapter tomorrow or Sunday I'm not sure. Would y'all like that?
~ Mel👾

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