62: Pain

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Phoenix and Marius are on their way to visit Adriel. They picked up his parents from the airport along with Marius' mother, Dr. Fon. They arrived there hearing their patient crying and his husband trying to comfort him.

"My baby! I lost my baby!" Adriel sobbed out as he was locked in Jagger's embrace. They were currently sitting by the headboard with Adriel's head tucked underneath his husband's chin.

"Shhhh...I'm sorry love. I'm sorry for causing you stress. Hit me Adi, hit me as much as you want until all your pain wears out but please don't leave me. I can't live without you and Ellie" Jagger murmured into his husband's ears.

Phoenix cautiously approached them while Marius stayed by the foot of the bed. "Hey Drei. Please don't cry so much. It won't be good for you. We're here for you buddy. And you have other visitors too" he said as he sat by the bed beside them.

"Hey there sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Ryan asked as soon as Adriel looked up to see who was in his room.

His father sat on the other side of the bed and Adriel quickly launched himself in his embrace. "Daddy!" he sobbed out in the older man's embrace.

August approached them and joined in hugging their son. "Hush now sweetie. It won't be good for you with all this crying" he said as he rubbed Adriel's back in a soothing manner. "We're here for you. We still have Ellie to think about and I believe you and Jag would still have more after this."

Ryan glared at his husband for suggesting another baby. "Your papa is not saying that you need to forget about this easily, baby. What he meant is, maybe God has other plans for both you and your baby. Think of it in a positive light" he said as he cupped his son's face.

"We love you Drei. Daddy and I will always be here for you, baby" August said as he placed a kiss on Adriel's head.

"We'll leave you with your Aunt Fon, okay. We'll just be outside" Ryan said as he released Adriel from his embrace.

They left the room together with Phoenix and Marius. Jagger remained seated on the bed and reached out to get Adriel back in his embrace.

Fon walked over to the bed. She sat on the other side of Adriel and reached out for his hand. "How are you Drei?"

"It hurts auntie. Both physically and here" Adriel responded as he brought his free hand to his chest, right where his heart is.

"It really is painful dear, but you must overcome this. Maybe not soon enough but hopefully, day by day you'd learn to accept what happened" Fon said in a gentle manner while eyeing the couple in front of her.

"How do I move on from this? I feel like it's killing me slowly" Adriel sobbed once more.

"It is indeed but you need to be strong, and you will be okay. We'll be here for you" Fon told him as she caressed his cheek.



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